Monday, 7 October 2013

Hunger/Appetite Supprent Herbs

An effective fat-burning food, garlic contains the sulphur compound allicin which has anti-bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats.
Researchers in Israel recently discovered that not only can the humble garlic bulb prevent weight gain; it might also cause weight loss.
The key to garlic’s health-giving properties is a compound called allicin, also responsible for giving it that pungent smell. But the trial found the strong odour of garlic stimulates the satiety centre in the brain, reducing feelings of hunger.
It also stimulates the nervous system to release hormones such as adrenalin, which in turn speed up your metabolic rate so you burn more calories.
TIP: Add garlic routinely to all savoury dishes when cooking. Powdered supplements are also effective and help avoid garlic breath!

All fruit and vegetables are high satiety (or filling) foods that contain a lot of water, air and fibre to produce ‘full-up’ signals in the small intestine — but research has shown apples are particularly effective for weight watchers. 

Feeling the burn could be the best way to get bikini ready, but it doesn’t have to mean hours sweating in the gym. Recent research found that sprinkling just half a teaspoon of chopped-up red chilli peppers on meals can curb your appetite.
Scientists discovered Capsaicin — the element responsible for giving chilli peppers their heat — reduces hunger pangs, while increasing energy levels.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has reported green tea contains catechins, a substance thought to stimulate the body to burn more calories, helping you to beat the bulge in double-quick time.
Drinking three to six cups of green tea a day speeds up the rate your body burns cellular energy by up to 40 per cent, and also increases the rate of fat burning.
Researchers found this effect is caused by the combination of caffeine and flavonoids found in the tea, whether it is drunk hot or cold. Green tea also contains certain antioxidants which are believed to have an effect on the hormone Leptin — responsible for controlling appetite.
TIP: Substitute other hot drinks for green tea, and consume regularly throughout the day for a figure-fixing beverage.

The quality of egg protein is the highest of any whole food product — second only to human breast milk — and according to a recent scientific review, this high protein content plays a role in weight management.
According to a report in the Journal Of the American College of Nutrition, eating two scrambled eggs for breakfast resulted in people eating fewer calories for the rest of the day — and, particularly, the next 36 hours.
TIP: Kick start the day with an egg to stave off hunger pangs until lunch.
Lemons contain pectin, a natural soluble fibre and gelling agent, which mops up fat stored by the body, and slows the digestive process so you feel full after eating less food.
U.S. researchers found that lemon acids and pectin can slow the absorption of sugar after a meal, and avoid those low blood-sugar dips which can result in snacking.
Vitamin C in lemons also helps us to produce carnitine — an amino acid to encourage the body to burn fat. Studies at Arizona State University found that volunteers with adequate vitamin C burned 30 per cent more fat during exercise than those with low levels.
TIP: Try to incorporate the zest and juice of a lemon in your diet daily, squeeze over salads, into sauces or simply add to warm water and drink.

We all know that drinking water before meals makes us feel fuller, but just how useful is it as a natural appetite suppressant?
A study published in 2010 concluded that drinking water just before meals can actually help people to lose weight. Researchers split 48 overweight adults aged 55 to 75 into two groups.
The first group was asked to eat a low-calorie diet but not to drink any extra water before meals. The second group was asked to eat the same diet but also to drink two glasses of water (500 ml) just before each meal.
After 12 weeks, members of the water drinking group had lost, on average, about 2kg more than the non-water drinking group — simply because they felt fuller during each meal and as a result ate less.

A Scandinavian study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when volunteers were given rice pudding with three grams of cinnamon, they produced less insulin after the meal.
Because insulin is the hormone that turns excess sugar into fat, this means less weight gain. As well as lowering blood sugar levels cinnamon may slow down the emptying of the stomach, meaning it can make you feel fuller for longer.
TIP: Sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon daily over cereals, yoghurt or fruit, use to season puddings or even stir into coffee. It is especially effective if consumed directly after meals.

12 Indian foods that cut fat
Turmeric : Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, is an object of research owing to its properties that suggest they may help to turn off certain genes that cause scarring and enlargement of the heart. Regular intake may help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol and high blood pressure, increase blood circulation and prevent blood clotting, helping to prevent heart attack.
Cardamom : This is a thermogenic herb that increases metabolism and helps burn body fat. Cardamom is considered one of the best digestive aids and is believed to soothe the digestive system and help the body process other foods more efficiently.
Chillies : Foods containing chillies are said to be as foods that burn fat. Chillies contain capsaicin that helps in increasing the metabolism. Capsaicin is a thermogenic food, so it causes the body to burn calories for 20 minutes after you eat the chillies.
Curry leaves : Incorporating curry leaves into your daily diet can help you lose weight. These leaves flush out fat and toxins, reducing fat deposits that are stored in the body, as well as reducing bad cholesterol levels. If you are overweight, incorporate eight to 10 curry leaves into your diet daily. Chop them finely and mix them into a drink, or sprinkle them over a meal.
Garlic : An effective fat-burning food, garlic contains the sulphur compound allicin which has anti-bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats.
Researchers in Israel recently discovered that not only can the humble garlic bulb prevent weight gain; it might also cause weight loss.
The key to garlic’s health-giving properties is a compound called allicin, also responsible for giving it that pungent smell. But the trial found the strong odour of garlic stimulates the satiety centre in the brain, reducing feelings of hunger.
It also stimulates the nervous system to release hormones such as adrenalin, which in turn speed up your metabolic rate so you burn more calories.
Mustard oil : This has low saturated fat compared to other cooking oils. It has fatty acid, oleic acid, erucic acid and linoleic acid. It contains antioxidants, essential vitamins and reduces cholesterol, which is good for the heart.
Cabbage : Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.
Moong dal : The bean sprouts are rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and many minerals, such as calcium, iron and potassium. It is recommended as a food replacement in many slimming programmes, as it has a very low fat content. It is a rich source of protein and fibre, which helps lower blood cholesterol level. The high fibre content yields complex carbohydrates, which aid digestion, are effective in stabilising blood sugar and prevent its rapid rise after meal consumption.
Honey : It is a home remedy for obesity. It mobilises the extra fat deposits in the body allowing it to be utilised as energy for normal functions. One should start with about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken with hot water early in the morning.
Buttermilk : It is the somewhat sour, residual fluid that is left after butter is churned. The probiotic food contains just 2.2 grams of fat and about 99 calories, as compared to whole milk that contains 8.9 grams fat and 157 calories. Regular intake provides the body with all essential nutrients and does not add fats and calories to the body. It is thus helpful in weight loss.

Best Tips to reduce Cellulite: Cellulite are lumpy fat bulges that look like dimples or orange peel.Cellulite develop when the subcutaneous fat cells are pushed upwards, and the connective tissue septae are pushed downwards. As a result,  fat cells are squeezed into small bulges and results in formation of  lumps and give your skin appearance like dimples or orange peel.
Cellulite are more common in women as compared to men and mostly develop on hips,thighs,buttock and stomach regions.However any kind of cellulite can be reduced simply by following some tips which are given below:

(1)Appearance of Cellulite can be reduced by massaging your skin with good essential oils. Mix about 2-3 Teaspoons of Rosemary Oil with same amount of Olive Oil.Now apply this mixture on affected areas and massage at least 4-5 minutes.Let it stay at least for 15 minutes then rinse off with slightly warm water.Massaging improve blood circulation and help to cure cellulite.
(2)Mix about 2-3 Teaspoons almond Oil with same amount of Olive Oil.Now apply this mixture on effected areas and massage at least 4-5 minutes.Let it stay at least for 15 minutes then rinse off with slightly warm water then with cold water to tighten your skin
(3)Take 2 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice,2 Tablespoons of Sea Salt and 4 Tablespoons of Honey.Mix them well and massage of cellulite at least for 3-4 minutes. Let it stay at least for 15 minutes then rinse off with slightly warm water then with cold water to tighten your skin.
(4)You can also massage your skin with coconut oil because it is also considered good to reduce the appearance of Cellulite.
(5)Mustard oil massage also proved good to cure cellulite.
(6)Sesame oil massage also considered good to cure cellulite.
(7)Coffee massage is also considered best to cure cellulite.Take about half cup of ground coffee,1 egg white and 1 Teaspoon of Olive Oil.Mix them well and massage on the affected areas at least for 3-4 minutes. Let it stay at least for 15 minutes then rinse off with slightly warm water then with cold water to tighten your skin.
(8)Mix dries thyme together with a little corn oil and grapefruit juice. Rub this mixture on the affected parts. Regular massage will reduce cellulite dimples.
(9)Cocoa butter is also considered best to cure cellulite.Mix some cocoa butter with Vitamin E oil and collagen lotion. Apply this mixture on affected areas at least for 3-4 minutes.Let it stay at least for 15 minutes then rinse off with slightly warm water then with cold water to tighten your skin.
(10)Avoid intake smoking,alcohol and coffee because they increase the development of cellulite.
(11)Try to drink plenty of water because water not only keep your skin hydrated but also help to flush out toxins.
(12)Adopt a habit of regular exercise because exercise not only improve blood circulation and metabolism but also help to burn excessive fat.Aerobic activities like walking, running, jogging and cycling are considered best to reduce cellulite.Weight training exercises like squats and leg press also proved very effective for toning and losing the fat from lower body region including hips,thighs and buttocks.


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