If you are very fat and want to loose weight, squeeze half lemon juice in one glass of luke warm water and drink it with two cloves of raw garlic regularly twice a day (morning and evening), for about three months. Avoid using starchy foods and fats. Do exercise regularly. You'll amazingly fell a great change in your body.
The Stinking Healer!
Garlic is one of the most ancient remedies in the history of humankind. This beautiful, potent herb is used by many cultures, for everything from bringing good luck and a long life, to curing the common cold. Used as both a medicine and a food, garlic is known as an effective treatment for digestive disorders, high blood pressure, and immune strength. No wonder it has been called the king of the vegetable world!
Sexual Performance Enhancer? Many believe that garlic is helpful to maintain male potency. In yogic terms, garlic promotes the production of semen (ojas) and increases sexual energy. Some traditions, which believe in celibacy or sex only for procreation, forbid the use of garlic because of this increase in sexual energy. However, in other yogic teachings, garlic is purposefully taken just for this reason. It is this same potent energy that can be focused for creativity and, through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, drawn up to the higher chakras (energy centers) for greater spiritual awareness.
Ayurvedically speaking, garlic effectively fights many bacteria and viruses. Scientists today have found garlic to have natural antibiotic qualities. Unlike pharmaceuticals though, garlic does not destroy the good flora in your intestines and create conditions for yeast overgrowth. Instead garlic works to balance bacteria in the colon and small intestines. It is helpful in treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, septic poisoning, typhus, and even cholera.
Garlic is known to
have antiviral properties, which helps the body fight against allergies. Simply
take one tablet of garlic supplement each day 2 or 3 weeks before the usual
allergy season begins.
antibacterial properties make it a wonderful treatment for coughs and other
throat irritations. Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory
tract infections.
Garlic is considered
to regulate blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin in
diabetics. Therefore an effective remedy is to take one capsule or tablet of
garlic everyday.
High Blood Pressure
Clinical studies have
shown that people with high blood pressure who took garlic capsules daily for
up to five months lowered their blood pressure levels as effectively as
patients taking prescription blood pressure drugs. A suggested dosage is
600-900mg garlic capsules once daily.
High Cholesterol
Studies have shown
that taking 600-900mg of garlic everyday lowers cholesterol levels and reduces
arterial plaque formation by 5–18%. Therefore, an effective natural remedy is
to take one garlic tablet or capsule (600-900mg) once per day.
lower serum triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol ( the bad
type) levels
increase serum HDL-cholesterol (the good type) and
fibrinolysis (the process through which the body breaks up blood clots.)
Plus it stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the
lining of blood vessel walls, a substance that helps them to relax.
Cardiovascular Health and High Cholesterol
Cholesterol can be a confusing area of health. On one hand
it is essential whilst on the other hand it can kill us. This is because there
are two types of Cholesterol – HDL and LDL. The latter type is considered bad.
Modern medicine has found that garlic contains allicin which scavenges hydroxyl
radicals (OH). This is turn is thought to prevent LDLs from being oxidised.
antibacterial, analgesic, and anesthetizing properties can help cure
toothaches. Simply put some garlic oil or a piece of crushed garlic clove
directly onto the affected tooth and the gum for instant relief.
Garlic's ability to
fight infections and bacteria makes it an effective cure for warts and other
skin problems.
Take a fresh clove of garlic and cut its tip off.
Rub the cut area of the clove directly onto the wart for a
few seconds.
Repeat this each night before going to bed until the wart
If you feel any kind
of irritation or strong burning sensation, simply rinse the area with water.
How to Take It:
Ask your doctor before giving garlic
supplements to a child. Research hasn't yet found what an effective and safe
dose might be.
Whole garlic clove (as a food
supplement): 2 - 4 grams per day of fresh, minced garlic clove (each clove is
approximately 1 gram)
Aged garlic extract: 600 - 1,200 mg,
daily in divided doses
Tablets of freeze-dried garlic: 200
mg, 2 tablets 3 times daily, standardized to 1.3% alliin or 0.6% allicin.
Products may also be found standardized to contain 10 - 12 mg/Gm alliin and
4,000 mcg of total allicin potential (TAP).
Fluid extract (1:1 w/v): 4 mL, daily
Tincture (1:5 w/v): 20 mL, daily
Oil: 0.03 - 0.12 mL, 3 times daily
The use of herbs
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