infertility, The most frustrating infertility problems is caused by low
sperm count. about half of the infertility problems encountered by couples
are caused by male infertility. The most general form of male infertility is a
low sperm count.
defined by the World Health Organization about Normal sperm count, is
characterized by:
The concentration of spermatozoa should
be as a minimum 20 million per ml.
The entire volume of semen should be at
least 2ml.
The total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate should be at least 40 (Forty )
At least 75 % of the spermatozoa should
be living (it is normal for up to 25 per cent to be dead).
At least 30 % of the spermatozoa should be of usual shape and form.
At least 25 % of the spermatozoa should be swimming with rapid forward
At least 50 % of the spermatozoa should be swimming forward, even if only
numbers of amount to averages basis; Having a sperm count under these numbers
does not guarantee that a man will be not capable to father a child; likewise,
having a sperm count upper than these numbers does not guarantee that a man
will be able to father a child.
are a range of factors that can cause low sperm count, genetic causes,
nutritional deficiencies,including stress, the use of prescription or illicit
drugs, obesity, smoking , varicoceles and infections.
are numerous things that may help increase sperm count, including:
Yunani and Ayurvedic Medicine have been using honey for thousands of years to
strengthen the semen of men. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoon of honey before going to sleep, their problem will
be solved.
In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women, who do not conceive and need to strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who
cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey
and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.
A couple in Maryland, USA, had no children for 14 years and had lost hope of having a child of their own. When told about this process, husband and wife started taking honey and cinnamon as stated above; the wife conceived after a few months and had twins at full term.
In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women, who do not conceive and need to strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who
cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey
and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.
A couple in Maryland, USA, had no children for 14 years and had lost hope of having a child of their own. When told about this process, husband and wife started taking honey and cinnamon as stated above; the wife conceived after a few months and had twins at full term.
exercise will help decrease stress, but be careful. Excessive exercise can
cause injury, as can certain exercises that may unhelpfully impact the
testicles, such as bicycling.
The more often a man ejaculates, the fewer dense the semen will be. Keep a gap
of three days between ejaculations.
Keep away from smoking and drinking alcohol.
Massage body with herbal oil, which may recover blood circulation.
· Have sex afternoon or in the early morning . It is believed that sperm levels are often maximum in the morning.
· Have sex afternoon or in the early morning . It is believed that sperm levels are often maximum in the morning.
Avoid tight underwear, whirlpools and saunas. All of which may enhance the
temperature of the testicles.
Use natural vitamins and supplements that may assist with sperm count.
Maintain a high protein, rich in vegetables, low fat diet, and whole grains.
spicy foods and bitter foods.
are a variety of vitamin supplements that may assist with low sperm count. They
Vitamin C
Vitamin B12
Vitamin E
Zinc Arginine
are some dietary measures that a man who has a low sperm count can take to
attempt to enhance his sperm count, including:
Eat a diet that includes whole, unprocessed foods. The best foods for health in
common, and also for sperm count problems, are whole grains, legumes,
fruits, nuts, vegetables
and seeds.
Decrease drinking of alcohol . In addition to the universal nutritional
benefits of avoiding alcohol, avoiding alcohol may also help with sexual
performance issues.
Raw sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds
have been shown to help with male fertility. It is advised that a man with a
low sperm count eat 1/4 cup of raw
sunflower or pumpkin seeds each day.
Drink at least 48 ounces of water every day.
for Increasing Testosterone/Sperm
A ---helps in increasing sperm count and it
is found in carrots and dark green vegetables. One should
include following vegetables in diet to take vitamin A such as lettuce, spinach, broccoli and sweet potatoes. Take oatmeal and dried
apricots in the diet. Spice such as red
peppers can also raise the sperm count.
B12 ---A deficiency of Vitamin B12 leads to reduced
sperm counts and reduced sperm motility. Even if there is no deficiency of
Vitamin-BI2, its supplementation may be beneficial for men with sperm count
less than 20 million/ml or a motility rate of less than fifty percent.
In one study, twenty-seven percent of men who had
sperm counts under 20 million/ml were given 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 per day.
As a result, their total sperm count increased in excess of 100 million/ml. In
another study, fifty-seven percent of men with low sperm counts who were given
6,000 mcg of vitamin B12 per day demonstrated improvements.
– vitamin C deficiency may contribute to male fertility issues. Many doctors
recommend taking a daily vitamin C supplement in order to improve sperm quality
and motility. Taking one gram of vitamin C daily is the typical recommendation
for men wishing to improve fertility. According
to practitioners, Vitamin C decreases sperm abnormalities and increases sperm
number and quality.
Antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta- carotene,
selenium, and vitamin E, have been shown to be very important in protecting the
sperm against damage. Vitamin C plays an especially important role in
protecting the sperm's genetic material (DNA) from damage. Ascorbic acid levels
are much higher in seminal fluid than in other body fluids, including the
The important role played by Vitamin C in male
fertility had been proved in animal and human studies. In one study, when
dietary vitamin C was reduced from 250 mg to 5 mg per day in healthy human
subjects, the seminal fluid ascorbic acid level decreased by fifty percent and
the number of sperm with damage to their DNA increased by ninety-one percent.
Thus, dietary vitamin C plays a critical role in protecting against sperm
damage. Low dietary vitamin C levels are likely to lead to infertility.
Cigarette smoking is known to greatly reduce the
vitamin C levels in our bodies. RDA of Vitamin C for smokers is twice as much
as that for nonsmokers.
In one clinical study, men who smoked one pack of
cigarettes per day received either 0, 200, or 1,000 mg of vitamin C. After one
month, sperm quality improved proportional to the level of vitamin C
Nonsmokers also benefit from vitamin C
supplementation. For example, in one study, thirty infertile, but otherwise
healthy, men received either 200 mg or 1,000 mg of vitamin C or a placebo
daily. Their sperm was tested weekly for sperm count, viability, motility,
agglutination, abnormalities, and immaturity. After one week, the 1,000-mg
group demonstrated a 140-pereent increase in sperm count, the 200 mg group a
112-pereent increase, and the placebo group no change. After three weeks, both
vitamin C groups continued to improve, with the 200- mg group catching up to
the improvement of the 1,000-mg group.
One of the key improvements observed during the
study was in the number of agglutinated (clumped-together) sperm. When more
than twenty-five percent of the sperm are agglutinated, fertility is very
unlikely. At the beginning of the study, all three groups had over twenty-five
percent agglutinated sperm. After three weeks, the agglutinated sperm in the vitamin
C groups dropped to eleven percent.
The most impressive
result of the study was that at the end of sixty days, all of the vitamin C
group had impregnated their wives, compared to none for the placebo group. It
can be concluded from these results that vitamin C supplementation can be very
effective in treating male infertility, particularly if the infertility is due
to antibodies against sperm.
Vitamin C – vitamin C is said to enhance sperm
quality by protecting sperm cells and the DNA they contain from damage. This
vitamin is also thought to stop sperm cells clumping together. This increases the sperm's ability to swim
("motility") which
increases a man's fertility by enabling the sperm to reach his partner's egg. Vitamin C – fruit and vegetables are the best
source of vitamin C, especially: peppers,
broccoli, brussel sprouts, sweet
potato, oranges and kiwi fruits. Recommended dosage for men
is 40 mg per day. Vitamin C can also be taken in pill form.
– has been given to the partners of women undergoing IVF treatment. This
vitamin is said to have increased IVF fertilization rates among men who have
used it and is therefore believed to have a beneficial effect on sperm. Taking vitamin E increased the fertilization
rate among men with low sperm counts when compared to other study participants
who took a placebo. Vitamin E is a
powerful antioxidant vitamin. It plays a key role in inhibiting free-radical
damage to the unsaturated fatty acids of the sperm membrane. Low levels of this
nutrient have been linked to a low fertility in men. In addition, vitamin E has
been shown to increase the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg in test tubes.
In one study, supplementation with vitamin E
decreased the level of lipid peroxide concentration in sperm pellet
suspensions. Eleven of fifty-two treated infertile men impregnated their
Increasing the levels of vitamin E in men with low
fertility resulted in improving the number and quality of sperm. The sperm had
improved mobility and were better able to attach to the unfertilized egg. The
result: the spouses became pregnant.
Studies suggest that Vitamin E may be as effective
-and possibly more effective- than expensive high-tech procedures.
A report by Kessopoulou and colleagues offered the
first solid, convincing proof of the vitamin's effectiveness. In this study,
thirty men with low fertility were divided into two groups. For three months,
one group took 600 lUs of vitamin E daily while the other took a placebo. Sperm
counts were measured and analyzed.
After a one-month rest period, the two groups
changed routines. This time the group that had taken placebo pills took vitamin
E, and vice versa.
For both stages of the test, sperm potency
dramatically improved under the influence of vitamin E. Taking vitamin E
supplement made sperm two and a half times as potent as they had been before
supplementation began.
Another study, in Saudi Arabia, used a larger study
group. Over one hundred couples unable to conceive due to low male fertility
volunteered. In half of the group, males took daily vitamin E supplement, while
the other half received a placebo. During the test period, none of the females
in the placebo group became pregnant. By contrast, more than 20 percent of
those in the vitamin E group conceived-a much higher success rate than in vitro
fertilization can boast!
Dosage: In studies, a daily dose of 600 lUs of
vitamin E was used. Don't take more than 800 lUs a day. Choose a product
containing mixed tocopherols. Begin by taking 200 IU daily, then gradually
increase the dosage until you are taking 400 IU twice daily.
Note: If you have high blood pressure, limit your
intake of supplemental vitamin E to a total of 400 IU daily.
have shown that vitamin E is more effective when taken with another key
antioxidant, vitamin C. The reason may be that when a vitamin E molecule is
damaged by interacting with a free radical, C converts it back to its original
form, giving it, in effect, a second life. To minimize stomach upset, take
vitamin E at mealtimes or with a snack. Vitamin E
– found in plant oils (soya, corn, olive oil) and in nuts, seeds, wheatgerm. Recommended dosage is 4 mg per day for men.
Vitamin E can also be taken as a pill.
Caution! People with anemia, poorly clotting blood, liver disease, or overactive
thyroid should not take vitamin E supplements without consulting a doctor. If
you are taking an anticoagulant (blood thinner), consult your physician before
taking supplemental vitamin E.
Arginine-- The amino
acid is also essential in sperm formation. (It is found in the heads of sperm.)
Arginine supplementation is often, but not always, an effective treatment for
male infertility. The critical determinant appears to be the level of sperm
count. If sperm counts are less than 20 million/ml, arginine supplementation is
less likely to be of benefit. Also, the dosage of arginine should be at least 4
grams per day for three months to be effective. In one study, seventy-four
percent of 178 men with low sperm counts were treated with 4 grams/day of
arginine. They showed significant improvements in sperm counts and motility as
a result of this therapy. Use arginine supplementation only after other
nutritional measures have been tried.
L-arginine--L-arginine is found
naturally in foods such as meat, dairy, poultry and fish. It is also available
as oral L-arginine supplements, which some product manufacturers market as a
"natural Viagra").
There have only been two studies to date,
however, evaluating the effectiveness of L-arginine for erectile dysfunction. L-Arginine - L-Arginine is an
amino acid found in large quantities in the heads of sperm cells. This amino
acid plays a crucial role in the development of healthy sperm. It is said to
increase both sperm count and sperm quality. L-Arginine – this amino acid is
found in protein rich foods such as red
meat. Healthier sources include: nuts,
coconuts, seafood, cereals, soybean and chickpea. L-Arginine is
also found in chocolate! L-arginine
is found naturally in foods such as meat, dairy, poultry and fish. It is also
available as oral L-arginine supplements, which some product manufacturers
market as a "natural Viagra").
have only been two studies to date, however, evaluating the effectiveness of
L-arginine for erectile dysfunction.
Carnitine-- A deficiency of carnitine results in a decrease in fatty acid
concentrations in the mitochondria and reduced energy production. After
ejaculation, the motility of sperm correlates directly with carnitine content.
The higher the carnitine content, the more motile the sperm. Conversely, when
carnitine levels are low, sperm development, function, and motility are
drastically reduced. In one clinical study thirty- seven of forty-seven men who
had abnormal sperm mobility and given carnitine supplementation (1,000 mg three
times daily) experienced an increase in sperm count and mobility.
the diet with L-carnitine may help restore male fertility in some cases. Start
by taking a dose of 250 to 500 milligrams of L-carnitine with breakfast. After
one week, add a second dose, with lunch. After another week, add a third dose,
so that you are taking 250 to 500 milligrams with each meal. Continue taking
L-carnitine for three to four months.
L-Carnitine – also an amino acid, L- Carnitine is
thought to boost a man's sperm count and help him produce healthy, high-quality
sperm. L-Carnitine – L-Carnitine is found in red meat and dairy foods. Other sources are: nuts and seeds, legumes, pulses, artichoke, asparagus,
broccoli, garlic, parsley, apricots, bananas and cereals.
Increasing L-Arginine
and L-Carnitine levels in the diet
of the male participants of one study increased the rate of pregnancies among
the partners of these men.
Selenium – is an antioxidant
thought to boost the formation of sperm cells. Low levels of selenium have, in
the past, been detected in men who also had low sperm counts. Selenium – found in Brazil
nuts, bread, fish, meat and eggs. Scientists observed that selenium deficiency lowers the reproduction
rates in man as well as in animals. Selenium is needed for production of
testosterone. When selenium levels are low, sperm are immobile because the tail
is weakened or deformed. In men, selenium is essential for sperm
production-almost half of the male body's supply of selenium is concentrated in
the testicles and the seminal ducts adjacent to the prostate gland.
Selenium is an antioxidant that prevents
free-radical damage, works synergistically with vitamin E, and preserves tissue
one double-blind trial, low-fertility men who took selenium supplements
increased the mobility of their sperm by 100 percent! Take 200 micrograms of
selenium daily. Do not exceed the dosage as it is toxic at levels above
recommended. (Toxicity levels are 100 times the daily recommended value.)
The recommended daily dosage
for men is 0.075 mg.
Zinc – is a mineral found in high
concentrations in sperm cells. Zinc plays an important role in building the
outer layer and tail of every sperm cell. Studies have found that reducing a
man's consumption of zinc may reduce his sperm count. Zinc – found in meat, shellfish, milk and other dairy foods, bread and cereals. Zinc is required for improving
the testosterone levels. Zinc in found in yoghurt,
corn, beef and oatmeal. One can aim to get twelve to fifteen milligrams
of zinc each day in diet. Some of the food items which contain zinc are beef,
beans and dark chicken meat. One should avoid intake of high quantities of zinc
as more than required quantity of zinc can also be harmful for sperm motility. The
recommended daily dosage is between 5.5 mg and 9.5 mg for men.
A deficiency of zinc can cause a decrease in
testosterone levels. Scientific studies suggest that taking a daily zinc
supplement of at least 25 mg three times per day may increase testosterone
levels. While there are many medicinal herbs that increase testosterone and
improve fertility problems, they can also be quite dangerous if they are not
used properly. In addition to this, many herbs can interfere with prescription medications
which can result in health problems. Please speak to a licensed naturopathic
doctor before taking any herbs. Naturopathic doctors are physicians who are
trained in the use of medicinal plants.
certain foods and drinking enough water may help increase the amount of semen a
man can ejaculate.
Siginificant depletion of the mineral zinc,
associated with long-term use of diuretics, diabetes, digestive disorders, and
certain kidney and liver diseases, has been shown to lead to erectile
Several vegetables are very high in zinc, such as cremini
mushrooms and spinach, which both rank as the second- and third-best sources of
the mineral, behind calf liver. Cooked summer squash and boiled asparagus are
also very high in the nutrient. Arginine is found sporadically in a few
different foods, including tofu, whole-grain wheat flour, garlic, onions and
chocolate syrup.
Zinc is a critical trace mineral for male sexual
function. It is involved in virtually every aspect of male reproduction,
including hormone metabolism, sperm formation, and sperm motility. Zinc found
in the seminal fluid, increases sperm count and mobility, and blood
testosterone levels.
Zinc deficiency is characterized by decreased
testosterone levels and sperm counts. Zinc levels are typically much lower in
infertile men with low sperm counts, indicating that a low zinc status may be
the contributing factor to the infertility.
The results from several studies suggest that zinc
supplementation may be beneficial for men who have low sperm count and low
testosterone levels.
In one study, thirty-seven men who had been
infertile for more than five years, and whose sperm counts were less than 25
million/ml were given a supplement of zinc sulfate (60 mg of elemental zinc
daily) for forty-five to fifty days. In the twenty-two patients with initially
low testosterone levels, mean sperm count increased significantly, from 8 to 20
million/ml. Testosterone levels also increased, and nine out of the twenty- two
wives became pregnant during the study. In contrast, in the fifteen men with
normal testosterone levels, although sperm count increased slightly, there was
no change in testosterone level and no pregnancies occurred. Thus zinc appears
to be effective in increasing male fertility when testosterone levels are low.
zinc levels must be attained if optimum male sexual vitality is desired. RDA
for zinc is 15 mg. Zinc is found in whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. In
addition to eating these zinc-containing foods, therapists suggest that you
take 45 to 60 mg per day of zinc supplements.
Suggested Daily dosages:
B complex, 100 mg twice daily.
B6, 50 mg twice daily for six months or more.
E, with mixed tocopherols, Start with 200 IU daily and increase gradually to
400-1,000 IU daily.
C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000-3,000 mg three times daily for at least three
80 mg, with 3 mg copper daily six months, then reduce zinc to 30 mg. . Do not
exceed a total of 100 mg daily from all supplements.
4,000 mg.
Q10, 200 mg.
100 mcg.
200-400 mcg daily.
acidophilus, 1-3 capsules or 1 tsp.
oil, 1 tablespoon daily.
300 milligrams three times daily.
Health benefits of cumin seeds
- Cumin seeds contain numerous phyto-chemicals that are known to have antioxidant, carminative and anti-flatulent properties. The seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber.
- Its seeds contain many health benefiting essential oils such as cuminaldehyde (4-isopropylbenzaldehyde), pyrazines, 2-methoxy-3-sec-butylpyrazine, 2-ethoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine, and 2-methoxy-3-methylpyrazine.
- The active principles in the cumin may increase the motility of the gastro-intestinal tract as well as increase the digestion power by increasing gastro-intestinal enzyme secretions.
- Cilantro is a powerful heavy metal detoxifier, as well as pectin-rich foods such as apples, pears, and bananas.
- This spice is an excellent source of minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Iron is required for red blood cell formation. zinc is a co-factor in many enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion and nucleic acid synthesis. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the powerful anti-oxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
- It also contains very good amounts of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin, and other vital anti-oxidant vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C.
- The seeds are also rich source of many flavonoid phenolic anti-oxidants such as carotenes, zeaxanthin, and lutein.
Pineapple, banana,
strawberries; nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, broccoli, citric acid, celery, and fructose. The product is also fortified with loads of vitamins
including Vitamin B6, B12, and E and essential minerals like calcium, creatine,
zinc, magnesium, selenium, and chlorophyll.
Home Remedies to Increase
Sperm Count: Nuts and Seeds
Eating different nuts and
seeds can increase a man's sperm count. The best nuts and seeds to eat are almonds, pistachios, cashews, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. To use these seeds and
nuts as a home remedy to improve sperm count, put them all in a bowl together
and eat a half a bowl every day.
Foods to increase sperm count
include foods that are naturally rich in folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E,
vitamin A, selenium and zinc. Folic acid, selenium and zinc are required for
the production of sperm and help to thicken sperm naturally. Vitamins C and E
help to protect the sperm from damage and infection. Vitamin A can help to
increase sperm motility. Most of these nutrients can be found in fresh fruits,
vegetables and whole grains which should form a large proportion of the diet.
A powerful sexual tonic specially designed and processed to enhance the ability and to endure sexual drive much longer than the normal. It is a wonderful herb used since ages to improve sperm quality. Ancient herbal doctors to make progeny of king the best amongst the other rulers have used Shilajit since ages, to promote sperm quality. Even sperm count can also be increased by use of shilajit. Shilajit also provides that extra endurance and power to sustain longer and last more than an average man do. So shilajit make a male, a MAN. Its properties help it to become an antiaging agent that helps you to stay young and enjoy the energies, which a youth possess for longer period of your life.
A powerful sexual tonic specially designed and processed to enhance the ability and to endure sexual drive much longer than the normal. It is a wonderful herb used since ages to improve sperm quality. Ancient herbal doctors to make progeny of king the best amongst the other rulers have used Shilajit since ages, to promote sperm quality. Even sperm count can also be increased by use of shilajit. Shilajit also provides that extra endurance and power to sustain longer and last more than an average man do. So shilajit make a male, a MAN. Its properties help it to become an antiaging agent that helps you to stay young and enjoy the energies, which a youth possess for longer period of your life.
A well-known herbal remedy to
promote production of best quality sperm that has been used since time immemorial by
our ancient scientist cum physicians. Ashwagandha possess properties that help
in increasing quality of sperm and also increases the sperm count. Ashwagandha
is a sexual ability promotor that helps
in increasing endurance and long lasting capabilities. Its unique
constituent helps it to suppress vata-dominated
therefore widely used as painkiller and
health supplement.
The herb ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is sometimes called Indian
Ginseng because it is thought to have similar effects on the body. It is
thought to increase energy, stamina, and sexual function. No studies, however,
have examined whether it is effective for erectile dysfunction in humans.
Side effects of ashwagandha
may include drowsiness. It should not be combined with sedative drugs.
The bark of the west African
yohimbe tree is a source of yohimbine, a compound that has been found to
stimulate blood flow to the penis, increase libido, and decrease the period
between ejaculations.
Yohimbe is not recommended,
however, because it is potentially dangerous, even in small doses. Side effects
may include dizziness, anxiety, nausea, a severe drop in blood pressure,
abdominal pain, fatigue, hallucinations, and paralysis.
Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfuntion
Advice for Fertility (this was a list my acupuncturist did)
Do eat:
1. Omega 3 supplements and foods: wild salmon, eggs, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, carrots, kale, collards, brussell sprouts, cabbage.
2. vitamins: prenatal, whole food source, non-synthetic; with digestive enzymes; especially A, B, C, E, zinc, selenium.
Do eat:
1. Omega 3 supplements and foods: wild salmon, eggs, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, carrots, kale, collards, brussell sprouts, cabbage.
2. vitamins: prenatal, whole food source, non-synthetic; with digestive enzymes; especially A, B, C, E, zinc, selenium.
food products which can increase sperm count and motility are the food items
that contain vitamin A, C, zinc, selenium, folic acid and minerals.
Vegetables such as beans, whole grains and avocadoes contain folic acids which are needed for the production of sperms which are potentially of superior quality because such sperms reduce the chance of chromosomal abnormalities.
Omega 3 fatty acids are required to improve blood circulation to reproductive organs and to improve the functioning of these parts. Food products rich in omega 3 fatty acids are flaxseeds, chicken, shrimp, crab and arugula.
One should get Folate through black eyed beans, potatoes and papaya. Folate is also found in green leafy vegetables and sprouts.
Vegetables such as beans, whole grains and avocadoes contain folic acids which are needed for the production of sperms which are potentially of superior quality because such sperms reduce the chance of chromosomal abnormalities.
Omega 3 fatty acids are required to improve blood circulation to reproductive organs and to improve the functioning of these parts. Food products rich in omega 3 fatty acids are flaxseeds, chicken, shrimp, crab and arugula.
One should get Folate through black eyed beans, potatoes and papaya. Folate is also found in green leafy vegetables and sprouts.
Black Seed Benefit?
The majority of
our health problems have the same causes- infection by micro-organisms such as
bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. When using clinical (allopathic
medicines) each symptom is treated individually and usually with synthetic
chemically manufactured medicines that contain alcohol and other harmful
ingredients. Black seed is effective at treating the body as a whole and fights
the actual cause of the symptoms. Black seed regulates too weak or too strong
reactions of the immune system and is excellent for treating chronic, allergic
and hormonal diseases. It uses are many as well as its benefit. Black seed
support metabolism, improve digestion, and lowers blood sugar levels. It is
used to dispel worms and parasites from intestinal track. It is useful in
soothing bronchitis and coughs,increase body tone, stimulates menstrual
periods, increases the flow of breast milk, provides quick energy, increases sperm count, calms the
nervous system, encourages hair growth and retards hair fall out, prevents skin
wrinkling, and much more.
Nutritional Components
Black seed
contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It contains about 21% protein, 38%
carbohydrates and 35% plant fats and oils. The contents are similar to evening
primrose oil, but because of its complex composition, it is much stronger. The
active ingredients of black seed are Thymoquinone, Nigellone, and Fixed oils.
it also contains in significant proportions protein, Carbohydrates and
Essential fatty acids. Other ingredients include Linoleic acid, Oleic acid,
Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin A, vitamin B,
vitamin B2, Niacin, and Vitamin C.
Black Seed
is Rich in Nutritional Values.
(single molecule sugars) in the form of glucose, rhamnose, xylose, and
arabinose are found in the black seed.
The black seed
contains a non-starch polysaccharide component which is a useful source of dietary fiber.
It is rich in
fatty acids, particularly the unsaturated and essential fatty acids (Linoleic
and Linoleic acid). Essential fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body
alone, and therefore we acquire these from food.
Fifteen amino
acids make up the protein content of the black seed, including eight of the
nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized within
our body in sufficient quantities and are thus required from our diet.
Black seed
contains Arginine which is essential
for infant growth.
analysis has further revealed that the black seed contains carotene, which is
converted by the liver into vitamin A, the vitamin known for its anti-cancer
The black seed
is also a source of calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. Required only in
small amounts by the body, these elements' main function is to act as essential
cofactors in various enzyme functions.
2. Immune
System Strengthening
Studies begun
just over a decade ago suggest that if used on an ongoing basis, black seed can
play an important role to enhance human immunity, particularly in
immunocompromise patients.
Vitamin A,
C, E, is potent in
the digestive tract and continues their action in the blood and around cell
membranes. They are antioxidants and help to limit damage by pollutants. An
excess of vitamin A however can cause birth defects, so the recommended daily
dosage is less than 3000 IU.
Calcium, magnesium, selenium, and zinc are powerful antimutagens and reduce uptake of aluminm, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
Green Tea contains substances known as catechins that are powerful antimutagens.
Cholorella is considered to be an exceptionally broad spectrum antimutagen supplement. A freshwater algae that is a rich source of nutrients, chlorella binds to heaby metals and chemicals that have accumulated in the body.
Dietary fiber from friut, veggies, whole grains, oat bran, and legumes helps in the excretion of toxins from the body. Avoid wheat bran because it can block mineral absorption.
Low protein levels in the body create a situation where the production of DNA is impeded. Amino acids from protein are the essential building blocks of life. Protein intake is shown to be most important around ovulation, and up to the end of the first trimester.
Flavorings and additives appear in many prepared foods and drinks. Many dried fruits are sulfured. Salt additives in theory are not so bad but the amount used to preserve food plays a role in the upset of hormonal balances.
Aspartame (click for shocking article on aspartame) is likely to be found in any sweetener you put in your drink. Anything labeled 'diet' or 'sugar free', any gum or breath freshener, all will have aspartame as a sweetener. When the temperature of aspartame exceeds 30 degrees centigrade (86 F), which the body acomplishes quite quickly once it is ingested, the wood alcohol in it converts to formaldahyde (a poison used to preserve body parts) and then to formic acid which is even more toxic.
Aspartame may cause miscarriage because it makes the body have an immune reation to it, which can destroy the fetus.
Calcium, magnesium, selenium, and zinc are powerful antimutagens and reduce uptake of aluminm, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
Green Tea contains substances known as catechins that are powerful antimutagens.
Cholorella is considered to be an exceptionally broad spectrum antimutagen supplement. A freshwater algae that is a rich source of nutrients, chlorella binds to heaby metals and chemicals that have accumulated in the body.
Dietary fiber from friut, veggies, whole grains, oat bran, and legumes helps in the excretion of toxins from the body. Avoid wheat bran because it can block mineral absorption.
Low protein levels in the body create a situation where the production of DNA is impeded. Amino acids from protein are the essential building blocks of life. Protein intake is shown to be most important around ovulation, and up to the end of the first trimester.
Flavorings and additives appear in many prepared foods and drinks. Many dried fruits are sulfured. Salt additives in theory are not so bad but the amount used to preserve food plays a role in the upset of hormonal balances.
Aspartame (click for shocking article on aspartame) is likely to be found in any sweetener you put in your drink. Anything labeled 'diet' or 'sugar free', any gum or breath freshener, all will have aspartame as a sweetener. When the temperature of aspartame exceeds 30 degrees centigrade (86 F), which the body acomplishes quite quickly once it is ingested, the wood alcohol in it converts to formaldahyde (a poison used to preserve body parts) and then to formic acid which is even more toxic.
Aspartame may cause miscarriage because it makes the body have an immune reation to it, which can destroy the fetus.
Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfuntion
- Maca
- Muira Palma
- Damiana
The body
requires adequate water intake to function properly, according to Dr. Arciola.
Without adequate water, the body will dehydrate and will not produce normal
amounts of sperm or semen. Men need to consume at least eight cups of water
each day. Dr. Arciola states that eating foods with high water contents, like
celery and iceberg lettuce, can also benefit semen production.
turkey, red meat, and lamb contain high amounts of zinc. This mineral helps to
increase testosterone levels, advises Discovery Health. Dr. Arciola advises
that increased testosterone helps a man sustain a longer erection and produce a
stronger ejaculation. As a result, a man typically ejaculates more semen. The
body needs zinc to produce semen. The Sydney Morning Herald states that semen
contains between one and three milligrams of zinc.
Tuna, red meat and poultry provide the amino acids L-arginine and L-carnitine. Dr. Arciola states these may help to increase the amount of semen produced by the body. These amino acids also help to increase testosterone levels.
Tuna, red meat and poultry provide the amino acids L-arginine and L-carnitine. Dr. Arciola states these may help to increase the amount of semen produced by the body. These amino acids also help to increase testosterone levels.
As with the
various meats, nuts provide the body with zinc and amino acids. The selenium in
nuts may improve semen production and help increase the mobility and motility
of sperm. Dr. Arciola advises men to eat 1/4 cup of nuts each day. When
combined with a healthy and well-balanced diet, nuts may help significantly
improve semen volume.
Nuts are great for raising sperm count because they contain zinc and the antioxidant vitamin E---both of which can raise sperm counts. Try to have a handful of unsalted nuts like almonds every day.
Examples of culinary nuts include almonds, coconuts, peanuts and cashews.
- Almond
- Beech
- Brazil nut
- Candlenut
- Cashew
- Chestnuts, including:
- Chinese Chestnut
- Sweet Chestnut
- Coconut
- Colocynth
- Cucurbita ficifolia
- Filbert
- Gevuina avellana
- Hickory, including
- Pecan
- Shagbark Hickory
- Terminalia catappa
- Hazelnut
- Indian Beech
- Kola nut
- Macadamia
- Malabar chestnut
- Pistacia
- Mamoncillo
- Maya nut
- Mongongo
- Oak acorns
- Ogbono nut
- Paradise nut
- Pili nut
- Walnut
- Black Walnut
- Water Caltrop
Foods that
contain L-arginine and L-carnitine, which may increase the amount of semen a
man can ejaculate, include oatmeal and granola. Dr. Arciola states that eating
these whole grains, as well as grains like wheat and barely, may increase the
amount of semen a man produces. Wheat and barely contain the mineral zinc.
Consuming whole grains as part of a man's regular diet may provide a way for a
man to increase his semen volume.
and Vegetables
Green leafy
vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, okra, spinach and seaweed, may also
improve semen volume, states Dr. Arciola. Spinach and seaweed contain
L-arginine and L-carnitine, while broccoli, asparagus and okra contain folic
acid, which is also beneficial for semen production. Other foods high in folic
acid include strawberries, oranges, and bananas, according to the book,
"Williams' Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy," by Staci Nix.
Fruits like tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit contain lycopine, which may increase the thickness and volume of semen. Commonly eaten foods, like ketchup and spaghetti sauce, contain this nutrient. Therefore, it may be easy for a man to increase his consumption of lycopine.
Fruits like tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit contain lycopine, which may increase the thickness and volume of semen. Commonly eaten foods, like ketchup and spaghetti sauce, contain this nutrient. Therefore, it may be easy for a man to increase his consumption of lycopine.
The foods
listed below can also naturally increase sperm count which gives couples a
better chance to conceive.
like the vitamin C found in citrus fruits can increase sperm count. Orange or
grapefruit juice that contains 100 percent fruit juice will provide the same
effect. Males who aren't big juice drinkers can try squeezing fresh lemon juice
into their water.
contain lycopene which also raises sperm count. Since lycopene is also found in
ketchup and marinara sauces, most men won't need much encouragement to add this
to their diet.
A zinc
deficiency is one of the leading causes of male infertility. Beans are a
versatile, vegetarian source of zinc. To avoid food boredom, get creative with
bean dishes. Try making chicken burritos or tacos with black beans, turkey
chili with pinto beans, hummus (which is made from garbanzo beans) or lentil
Beans, also known as legumes
or pulses include:
Lentils have been part of the human diet since the
Neolithic period.
- Bambara groundnut
- Chickpeas
- Cowpeas
- Black eyed pea
- Dry beans, including
- Common bean
species of Vigna, such as the lentil
- Fava or broad beans
- Hyacinth bean
- Lablab
- Lentils
- Lupins
- Moringa oleifera
- Peas
- Peanuts
- Pigeon peas
- Sterculia
- Velvet beans
- Winged beans
- Yam beans
- Soybeans
True cereals are the seeds of
certain species of grass. Three — maize, wheat and rice. Cereals include:
- Barley
- Fonio
- Maize (corn)
- Pearl Millet
- Oats
- Palmer's grass
- Rice
- Rye
- Sorghum
- Spelt
- Teff
- Triticale
- Wheat
- Wild rice
Oysters are
one of the best sources of zinc. Hitting up the raw bar a few times prior to
conception might increase your chances. Too much zinc can be problematic, so
stay around the recommended amount of 15 mg per day for adult males according
to the Mayo Clinic. A 2-oz. serving of oysters is close to the recommended
daily amount.
Red meat
and turkey are other sources of zinc. Neither contain as much as oysters, but
they may be easier to consume on a regular basis. Consume fresh turkey because
processed deli meats are high in salt and other preservatives. Since red meat
is high in saturated fat, stick to just one serving of lean-cut red meat per
Barley is a
healthy, vegetarian source of zinc. It's also an economical food. A 16-oz. bag
of pearled barley sells for around $2 in most grocery stores. Instant varieties
are available for people who don't like to cook.
contains selenium, which is known to increase sperm count. People who consume
tuna on a regular basis should stick with canned tuna. It contains less mercury
than fresh tuna.
contain two ingredients known to raise sperm count---vitamin B12 and selenium. Since it's often hard to find the time for
a sit-down breakfast, hard boil eggs the night before and take them on the go.
Most people
know that folic acid is vital for women prior to conception and throughout
pregnancy. However, in terms of sperm count, it can also be helpful for males too.
Broccoli is one of the best sources of folic acid. Try adding it to salads or
serving it as a side dish with dinner. Other great sources of folic acid
include asparagus and orange juice.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice
can both hurt and help male fertility, depending on how it is used. The
nutrients in this juice -- including vitamin C and thiamin -- may boost
fertility, although applying it directly to sperm may have deleterious effects.
Do not consume lemon juice to treat male infertility without consulting your
health-care provider.
Male Fertility
The Mayo
Clinic reports that 15 percent of couples are unable to conceive a child
because one or both of them experience fertility problems. Male infertility may
occur for any number of reasons, including damage to or malformation of the
testicles, malformed sperm, small amounts of sperm, infections that attack
sperm, tumors and hormonal imbalances. Diet may also influence the quality of
adequate amounts of vitamin C through lemon juice and other foods in your diet
may improve male fertility. A study published in the July 2011 issue of
"Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology" investigated the effect of
vitamin C on hyperglycemic rats and found it decreased the amount of abnormal
sperm and boosted testosterone levels, both of which may contribute to male
infertility. More research is needed to confirm this finding in humans. A
100-gram portion of lemon juice contains 77 percent of the daily recommended
intake of vitamin C if you follow a 2,000-calorie diet.
Consume a
serving of lemon juice, and you take in 3 percent of the thiamin you need each
day. This thiamin may contribute to a protective effect when it comes to
testicular injury. Research featured in the February 2009 "Journal of
Huazhong University of Science and Technology" indicates that thiamin
consumption -- in conjunction with vitamin C -- benefits sperm count and
motility in male rats with impaired fertility triggered by lead exposure.
Additional research is required to confirm that thiamin from lemon juice and
other foods helps with fertility in human males.
as Birth Control
the usefulness of lemon juice nutrients in boosting sperm quality and
fertility, it can also be used to kill sperm. A study in the May 2006
"Fertility and Sterility" journal evaluated the effect of direct
application of lemon juice to sperm. The acidity of lemon juice killed all
sperm movement within one minute of exposure, leading researchers to theorize
that lemon juice may serve as a natural contraceptive agent after additional
research since it effectively dampens male fertility.
#3: Liver
liver of most any animal is packed with nutrients like selenium. Often
appearing on the culinary scene as pâté, liver can also be eaten in sausage
(liverwurst), and prepared steamed or fried with onions and herbs. Lamb liver
provides the most selenium with 116μg per 100g serving or 166% of the DV. That
is 99μg (141% DV) of selenium in a 3 ounce serving.
#4: Fish
is a heart healthy food, a good source of protein, and rich
in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12. Orange roughy provides the
most selenium with 88μg (126% DV) per 100 gram serving, 75μg (107% DV) per 3
ounce serving. It is followed by canned tuna, canned anchovies, swordfish,
pickled herring, and lastly tilefish which provides 52μg (74% DV) of selenium
per 100 gram serving, or 44μg (63% DV) per 3 ounce serving.
#4: Fish
#5: Sunflower Seeds
seeds are great as a snack or as an addition to salads, they are also a great
source of vitamin E, iron, vitamin
B1 (thiamin), B6, protein, magnesium, potassium,
and copper.
Sunflower seeds provide 79μg (113% DV) of selenium per 100 gram serving, that
is 102μg (145% DV) of selenium per cup hulled, and 22.2μg (32% DV) per ounce.
Both vitamin E
and selenium are found in
various plant-based foods, but selenium is also contained in fish, meats, eggs
and poultry. Selenium and vitamin E are essential nutrients to your health and
have antioxidant actions. If you are concerned about your dietary vitamin E or
selenium intake, talk with your doctor or a registered dietitian before
drastically changing your diet.
You can get
E and selenium from wheat germ
and its oil and many kinds of nuts, notes the University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center. You can also get vitamin E from sunflower seeds, almonds and their
oils, as well as peanuts and peanut butter. Hazelnuts, papayas, safflower oil,
pureed tomatoes, corn and canola oils, pumpkin, blueberries, avocados, mangoes
and broccoli also contain various amounts of vitamin E. Selenium is found in
many plants that are grown in soil that is rich in the mineral, as well as
fortified breads and brewer's yeast, notes the University of Maryland Medical
Center. Oats, whole-grain baked goods, brown rice, barley, turnips, Brazil
nuts, garlic and red Swiss chard all contain selenium. Aside from plant
sources, you can also get selenium from drinking orange juice, as well as
eating fish and shellfish, eggs, red meats and chicken.
are many factors that can decrease or cease sperm production. Here are a few:
Excessive Caffeine
Excessive alcohol consumption
Street and certain Prescription Drugs
Some over the counter medications
Injury to the testicles
Blockage in the Vas Deferens
Excessive Heat to the testicles
Vitamin Deficiencies
Varicocele:a varicose enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord that may cause infertility through a significant decrease in the quality and quantity of the sperm. More Information on correction of Varicocele
Excessive Caffeine
Excessive alcohol consumption
Street and certain Prescription Drugs
Some over the counter medications
Injury to the testicles
Blockage in the Vas Deferens
Excessive Heat to the testicles
Vitamin Deficiencies
Varicocele:a varicose enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord that may cause infertility through a significant decrease in the quality and quantity of the sperm. More Information on correction of Varicocele
Improving Male Fertility
are natural ways to improve male fertility.
There are few common rules to start with.
There are few common rules to start with.
Limit or eliminate caffeine intake.
2. Stop smoking
3. Stop Recreational Drugs
4. Wear Loose Underwear (boxers)
5. Stay out of Hot Tubs
6. Quit drinking alcoholic beverages
2. Stop smoking
3. Stop Recreational Drugs
4. Wear Loose Underwear (boxers)
5. Stay out of Hot Tubs
6. Quit drinking alcoholic beverages
Low Motility?
Guaifenesin (Plain Robitusson-no letter extensions) can improve motility by thinning out the semen allowing for your guys to swim up stream easier. Vitamin C and Zinc can also help.
Guaifenesin (Plain Robitusson-no letter extensions) can improve motility by thinning out the semen allowing for your guys to swim up stream easier. Vitamin C and Zinc can also help.
Morphology less than 30%: Pycnogenol®
for Improving Morphology
Nutritional Supplements
following natural treatments are widely recommended for male infertility, but
they have not been scientifically proven effective at this time:
have found that L-carnitine is found in much greater amounts in sperm tissues
than other cells. Preliminary studies suggest that L-carnitine and
acetyl-L-carnitine may be able to stimulate sperm motility in certain
situations. The role of L-carnitine on sperm maturation and sperm quality
however, is still unclear.
clinical studies have evaluated the effect of L-carnitine on men with a low
sperm count, a reduction/loss in sperm movement, or men with both conditions.
These studies have evaluated only small numbers of men who took oral carnitine
supplements for varying lengths of time. Some patients enrolled in these
studies experienced increased sperm counts and/or increased sperm motility,
however it is still too early to determine the benefit of L-carnitine
Arginine, L-Arginine -- studies indicate that
this amino acid may improve sperm motility
Vitamin B12
Zinc is an essential nutrient for proper sperm production. A deficiency may result in lowered testosterone levels.. The usual recommended dosage of zinc is about 15 to 30 mg daily, coupled with 1 mg of copper for balance. Too much zinc can be toxic. Do not exceed a dose of 15 to 30 mg daily
Zinc is an essential nutrient for proper sperm production. A deficiency may result in lowered testosterone levels.. The usual recommended dosage of zinc is about 15 to 30 mg daily, coupled with 1 mg of copper for balance. Too much zinc can be toxic. Do not exceed a dose of 15 to 30 mg daily
mineral is found in great amounts in the outer layer of sperm and plays an
important role in the production of the hormone testosterone.
Anti-Oxidants are necessary for good sperm health.
for Improving Morphology
Vitamin E, Supplementation with this
antioxidant has been shown to increase sperm motility and to enhance the
ability of the sperm to penetrate the egg in test-tube studies.
Dose: 400 IU daily. Talk to your doctor prior to starting Vitamin E, particularly if you are currently taking aspirin or other blood thinners.
Dose: 400 IU daily. Talk to your doctor prior to starting Vitamin E, particularly if you are currently taking aspirin or other blood thinners.
Vitamin C - research suggests it may prevent sperm
from "clumping" together and that it increases sperm count.
Superoxide dismutase and glutathione - research shows that these and other
antioxidants may improve sperm quality.
From AlternativeMedicineChannel
The importance of a healthy diet cannot be overstated. To function properly, the reproductive system requires the proper vitamins and minerals. Nutritional deficiencies can impair hormone function, inhibit sperm production, and contribute to the production of abnormal sperm.
The importance of a healthy diet cannot be overstated. To function properly, the reproductive system requires the proper vitamins and minerals. Nutritional deficiencies can impair hormone function, inhibit sperm production, and contribute to the production of abnormal sperm.
- Eat a natural foods diet that focuses on fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
- Drink ½ of body weight in ounces of water daily (e.g., a 150 lb man would drink 75 oz of water).
- Eliminate processed and refined foods (e.g., white flour), junk food, sugars, alcohol, and caffeine.
- Avoid saturated fats and hydrogenated oils (e.g., margarine); use olive oil.
- Pumpkin seeds are naturally high in zinc and essential fatty acids which are vital to healthy functioning of the male reproductive system. Eat ¼ to ½ cup a day of pumpkin seeds to help maintain a healthy reproductive system.
The following supplements have been shown to increase sperm count and/or motility. Allow 3-4 months for the supplements to work.
The following supplements have been shown to increase sperm count and/or motility. Allow 3-4 months for the supplements to work.
- Arginine—Take 4 gr daily. Needed to produce sperm. If the sperm count is below 10 million per ml, arginine probably will not provide any benefit.
- Coenzyme Q10—Take 10 mg daily. Increases sperm count and motility.
- Flaxseed oil—Take 1 tbsp daily. Is a source of essential fatty acids.
- L-carnitine—Take 3-4 grams daily. Required for normal sperm function.
- Multivitamin-mineral—Buy a high-quality product and take one serving size (differs from brand to brand).
- Selenium—Take 200 mcg daily. Improves sperm motility.
- Vitamin B-12—Take 1000 mcg daily. A B-12 deficiency reduces sperm motility and sperm count. Even if no deficiency exists, B-12 supplementation may help men with a sperm count of less than 20 million per milliliter or a motility rate of less than 50%
- Vitamin C—Take 500 mg 2 times daily. Is an antioxidant.
- Vitamin E—Take 400 IUs 2 times daily. Is an antioxidant and improves sperms’ ability to impregnate.
- Zinc—Take 15 mg 2 times daily. Required for a healthy male reproductive system and sperm production.
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