Etymology In English, Nigella sativa seed is variously called fennel flower, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, black seed, black caraway, or black onion seed. Other names used are onion seed and black sesame, both of which are similar-looking but unrelated. The seeds are frequently referred to as black cumin. Bunium persicum. The scientific name is a derivative of Latin Niger "black". An older English name gith is now used for the corncockle. In English-speaking countries it is also variously known as kalonji, chernushka (Russian), çörek otu (Turkish), habbat albarakah (seed of blessing).
1) Hazrat Abu Hurerah (R.A) says, “ I have heard Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) saying that the black granules (Kalonji) is the remedy for all diseases except death.” Black Granules are shooneez. (Bukhari Muslim –Ibne Maja, Masnade Ahmed). (Mafhoom-e-Hadees).In Persian shoneez means kalonji and Habatul Sauda in Arabic.
2) Salim Bin Abdullah writes that Huzur (S.A.W) said – “If you make compulsory these black granules in use there is remedy for all diseases except death. The same thing in mentioned in Masnade Ahmed Hazrat Aisha (R.A) and in Ibnul Jozi and Tarmazi from Abu Hurerah (R.A) (Meanings of Hadees)
3) Hazrat Badreeh (R.A) writes that Huzoor (S.A.W) said –“In shoneez (Kalonji) there is remedy for all diseases except death. (Mafhoom-e-Hadees)
As oil it is digested through the lymphatic consequently purifying and unblocking the lymphatic system. Studies published in the archives of AIDS also established some astonishing effects of black seed on the defense system.
1. Supplies vitamins and minerals needs by the body.
1. Supplies vitamins and minerals needs by the body.
2. Reduces cholesterol & stabilize fat content in the body.
3. Contains phosphates, ion and carbohydrates, which are capable of killing germs. Is also good for anti-cancer activities, through continuous use & acts as disease prevention.
4. Able to detect & therefore extract uric acids, mineral salt deposits and organic toxins.
ABDOMEN DISEASES: (Increase of Hernia): Take one tablespoon of juice of Karela and add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture in the morning before breakfast and before lunch and before dinner.
ABDOMENT & LIVER Diseases: Take 200 grams of honey and half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and drink this mixture half in the morning before breakfast and half in the evening. Use this process for one month. Avoid Tamarind items.
ACIDITY & GASES: Mix one tola of ginger juice with half tola Kalonji oil, add some salt and water. Use mixture for immediate relief.
Acne: Half a teaspoon of Nigella sativa oil in a bowl of hot water, vapours bath with a towel over head. Increase intake of Zinc.
ACTIVENESS: Half teaspoon of Kalonji oil with 2-spoon honey daily before breakfast.
ANYTYPE OF SWELLING: Heat required quantity of Kalonji oil and apply on affected area. Half teaspoon of Kalonji oil to be consumed twice a day.
ASTAMA: Mix little (Pinch) salt, ½ of Kalonji oil with one spoon pure Ghee and apply/rub on the chest and throat. Simultaneously drink mixture of ½ spoon Kalonji oil and two spoon of honey twice a day.
Asthma/Cough: Rub the chest and back with black seed diluted in olive oil (1:5). Inhale the vapours of the oil. One may also take 1/4 teaspoon of black seed oil placed under tongue.
Asthma and Cough: Rub the back and chest with Nigella sativa oil. Drink one tsp after meals three times a day. Inhale vapours of boiling water with 1 tsp of oil with a towel over head.
Bronchial Asthma, Cough:
(1) Apply kalonji oil to chest & back.
(2) Mix teaspoon of kalonji oil in boiling water & inhale the vapor twice a day.
(3) Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil daily in the morning.
(1) Apply kalonji oil to chest & back.
(2) Mix teaspoon of kalonji oil in boiling water & inhale the vapor twice a day.
(3) Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil daily in the morning.
ASTHMA, COUGH & ALLERGY: For the treatment of these diseases the following method is adopted. Take a cup of warm water, one spoon of honey and half teaspoon of Kalonji oil. Mix this together and drink in the morning before the breakfast. Similarly after dinner in the night. Treatment for forty days. Avoid cool foodstuff.
Asthma, Cough: 1.Apply Black seed oil to the chest and back. 2.Mix a teaspoon of Black seed oil in boiling water and inhale the vapor twice a day. 3. Take half a teaspoon of Black seed Oil daily in the morning.
Backache & Rheumatism: Warm kalonji oil slightly & apply to the area thoroughly. Massaging the bone, not the skin & drink half teaspoon of kalonji oil for 30 days.
Back Pain & Rheumatic: Heat some of the black seed oil and rub on the area of pain. Eat some black seeds & honey daily.
Backache & other kinds of rheumatism: Mildly heat a small amount of black seed oil and then stroke the rheumatic area intensely. A teaspoon of oil should also be drunk thrice daily.
Backache, arthritis, bruises & rheumatism: Heat Nigella sativa oil slightly and massage intensely. Drink 1 tsp oil with 1tsp olive oil 3 times a day.
BACK ACHE & NECK PAIN: Eat two pieces of dry fig and add 4 drops of kalonji oil in one cup of Milk. Do not eat anything till two hours. Treatment is to be continued for 2 months. Avoid potatoes, tomatoes, green chills and bottle gaud.
BALDNESS: Take 20 grams Kalonji oil and 20 grams powder of Mehindi, Add 60 grams of vinegar (Sirka) and rub on the baldhead. Wash head after one hour. Insha-Allah baldness will vanish and also useful for recovery of damage hair. Note: - this process may be used once in a week.
BALDNESS: Rub the kalonji oil on the head twice a day and use a mixture of one cup of coffee mixed with half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day.
BEAUTIFULNESS: Take 10 grams of `Sunheri gearu’ and add four drops of Kalonji oil rub this past at night before going to bed. In the morning wash the face with like warm water and soap (skin care) Insha-Allah your skin will look smooth and beautiful. FAIRNESS OF FACE: Take 50 grams of Olive oil and add 50 grams of Kalonji oil. Take half teaspoon in the morning before breakfast. Skin will be fair and glowing pink. (Note: - Pregnant women are not allowed to take this medicine).
WEAKNESS OF BRAIN: take one teaspoon of ghee or 2 teaspoons of milk cream with to drops of kalonji oil with sugar for taste before breakfast daily. MEMORY POWER: To increase the memory power and take 10 gm. Mint (Pudina leaves) and boil it with the water and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day. Treatment continues for twenty days.
BRAIN FEVER: Allow the vapours of Kalonji oil enter the body through breath. Take one lemon juice and half teaspoon kalonji oil and use for 3 days twice a day. From fourth day teaspoon kalonji oil in one cup of decoction twice day.
BLEEDING RELATED DISEASES OF WOMEN: White discharge etc. Put half bunch of mint (Pudina) in two cups of water and reduce it tone cup by heating it. Add 2-spoon powder of misri + ½ spoon kalonji oil, take this mixture before breakfast. Continue for 40 days.
BLOOD DEFICIENCY (Anemia) and Ulcer in the Intestine: Take a branch of mint (Pudina Leaves), mix with water, boil it and make a cup of juice and add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning and at evening). continue for 21 days.
High Blood pressure: Drink 1 tsp in any hot drink. Take 2 lobes of garlic before breakfast.
BLOOD PRESSURE: - In any hot drink tea/ coffee, add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day. Also eat two cloves of Garlic daily.
Beard growth: Massage the beard area with black seed oil ensuring that the oil penetrates to the roots; this stimulates the growth of the beard and prevents premature hair graying.
BURNS: 30 grams of Olive oil and 5 grams of Kalonji oil, 15 grams of Calamus (BUCH) and 80 grams of Mehindi leaves. Mix together and apply on affected parts.
BURNING MICTURIATION: Take one-cup sweet lime (Mausambhi) juice; add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before breakfast and at night before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid hot stuff items chilly and sour food items.
BURNING MIXTURE, URINE DEFICIENCY & BURNING SENSATION IN URINE: Take ¼ liter of milk and add ½ spoon of Kalonji oil and one spoon honey. Take this mixture twice day or two-tola couth boiled in water, add ½ spoon of Kalonji oil and take this mixture.
Cancer: (Intestinal cancer, blood cancer, throat cancer etc.): take one glass grape juice, Add ½ teaspoon kalonji oil & drink in the morning before breakfast, after lunch & after dinner. Take 1 kg barley & 2 kg wheat flour, mix together make bread (roti) & give to the patient for 40 days. Avoid potatoes, Arvee & brinjal.
Cancers and Tumors: Take 1 teaspoon of the oil mixed with one teaspoon of raw honey twice a day. This mixture should be taken one hour before breakfast and before sleeping at night. Also take 4-5 cloves of garlic daily or 1 teaspoon of dried garlic powder mixed with honey.
CATARACT: Mix ½ spoon of Kalonji with tea in the morning and in the milk at night. Take twice a day.
Catarrh: Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil with 2 pods of long pepper twice a day. If catarrh is in initial stage put drop of kalonji oil in eyes daily.
Cancer: Rub the affected area with black seed oil. 3 times a day drink a mixture of a teaspoon of the oil with a glass of carrot juice. Do this for three months.
Chest pains and colds: Add 1 tablespoon of the black seeds in boiling water and inhale the vapor and cover your head before you sleep.
CHEST IRRITATION AND STOMACH TROUBLE: Take half teaspoon of Kalonji oil mixed with a cup of milk and use this mixture twice daily. Treatment may continue for 3 days.
Colic (babies): Warm Nigella sativa oil in hand, massage the whole abdomen with it, stroking clockwise.
Common cold symptoms & nasal congestion: Firstly fry whole black seeds, then finely grind them into powder. Soak this in black seed oil and any vegetable oil. Place three to four drops in each nostril (N.B. this will cause excessive sneezing).
Colds and Flu: 1 tsp of Nigella sativa oil three times a day. Drink hot lemon with honey.
Colds: Add 1 tablespoon of the black seeds in boiling water and inhale the vapor and cover your head before you sleep.
Colds & Flu: Take one teaspoon of black seed oil with honey in the morning before eating. Also, place a few drops in each nostril for nasal congestion.
COLD SEVERE: Take half cup of water and half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and quarter spoon of Olive oil and mix together and filter. Put two drops of filtered mixture into the nose. This method is the best for cold. Use this process twice a day.
COLD, SINUS: Take one spoon honey and add ½ spoon Kalonji oil. Use this mixture daily in the morning and evening. Avoid cold stuff items. At night when going to bed, put one drop of Kalonji oil in to the nose Insha-Allah you will get relief from SINUS and Persistent Cold.
CONSTIPATION: Two tola of jaggery (Red Sugar) 4 grams sona makki mixed with half big glass of warm water add ½ spoon Kalonji oil and drink it before going to bed.
COUGH: Take one cup of warm water, add two spoons of honey mix with half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day once in the morning before breakfast, and once after the dinner. Treatment may continue for two weeks. Avoid cold stuff items.
Dry Cough: 1/2 teaspoon of the oil mixed with coffee twice a day. Rub the oil on your back and chest.
Dry Cough: A teaspoon of black seed oil should be mixed in coffee and taken twice a day. Rub the chest and back with black seed oil.
COUGH BRONCHITIS: Crush one tola of Alsee and boil in ¼ liter of water Boil the water to half, filter it. Add ½ spoon of kalonji oil and two-spoon honey. Use this mixture twice a day and avoid cold stuffs.
PERSISTENT COUGH: Mix 10 grams of Akal kara, 200 grams honey, 100 grams of Kalonji oil together. Take the mixture, one spoon thrice a day. Restrict from ice cream, fridge water, and custard apple. Treatment for 40 days.
CRACKED HAND AND CRACK FOOT WITH BLOOD FLOW: Take one glass of sweet lime (Mausambhi) Juice and add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use this twice a day (In the morning before the breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Avoid chicken, egg, and brinjal. Use the herbal ointment made of Kalonji.
Dandruff: Mix 10 gms of kalonji oil, 30 gms of olive oil, 30 gms of mehindi powder. Heat for a while & apply after paste becomes cool, rinse well with shampoo after 1 hour.
DENTAL DISEASES: Fall of teeth prematurely, weakness of the teeth, flow of blood from the teeth, bad smell of the mouth, swelling on gums: Take one cup of curd and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning before the breakfast and in at night after dinner). Also use Kalonji Herbal Tooth powder.
Diarrhea: Mix a tablespoon of black seed oil with a cup of yogurt. Drink the mixture twice a day until symptoms disappear. Also eat boiled rice with yogurt.
DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY: Mix one tola espaghol with half cup of curd and ¼ teaspoon of Kalonji oil, use three to four times a day.
Diabetes: Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil twice a day in morning with hot water.
DIABETES (SUGAR): For the treatment of these diseases the following method is adopted. Take one-cup decoction (Black tea), Mix half tablespoon of kalonji oil and drink it in the morning and before going to bed. Avoid oily foodstuff, particularly fried items. If any other allopathic treatment is going on continue it that treatment. After 20 days check the sugar, is its normal Allopathic treatment should be stopped and kalonji treatment be continued. After forty days, sweet can be taken to check the sugar level. If it’s normal stop the treatment.
Diabetes: Mix a cup of whole black seeds, a cup of Water Cress Seeds (Mustard seed can be used as an alternative), half a cup of pomegranate peel and half a cup of fumitory. Grind the mixture to powder. Take half a teaspoon of the mixture together with a teaspoon of black seed oil daily before breakfast for one month.
Difficulty menstruating: Take one spoon honey ½ teaspoon kalonji oil & drink 1 teaspoon before breakfast & 1 teaspoon after dinner for 2 weeks.
DIGESTION: Mix 4 tola of Ajwain; ½ spoon Kalonji oil with limejuice let it dry in the sun use one pinch after every meal. Avoid gas-creating foods.
DIGESTION OF FOOD, COLOR OF FACE ETC: Treatment: Mix 2 spoons of ginger, half spoon of Kalonji oil and one spoon of sugar. Use this mixture twice a day (Morning and evening). Continue the treatment for 10 days. Avoid gas-creating food.
Dyspepsia, indigestion, gas, and stomach irritation: Take one spoon of ginger juice & half teaspoon kalonji oil & drink twice daily. This treatment is also useful for obesity.
Earache: Mix ½ tsp Nigella sativa oil with ½ tsp olive oil, warm and then drip drops into the ear and cover the ear with a woolen shawl or hat.
Earache: Apply kalonji oil to the forehead, sides of face adjacent to the ears & behind the ears. Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil for 3 days.
EAR DISEASES, EAR ACHE, and FLOW OF PUS, LOW HEARING: Heat the Kalonji oil and let it cool and put it two drops of cooled Kalonji oil in ear.
ALL EAR DISEASES: Heat one teaspoon of Kalonji oil with one spoonful of olive oil and let it cool. Put two drops of the mixture at bedtime, you will get immediate relief.
EAR PAIN, FLOW OF PUSS & HEARING PROBLEMS: Mix equal quantity of pure olive oil, almond and Kalonji oil and heat them. Put one drop in each ear of this mixture twice a day in the morning and bedtime.
ECZEMA: Mix 10-10 grams of Sona mahi and Kalonji oil kiste-e-Shirin with 500 grams vinegar (sirka) after boiling filter it add some Kalonji oil and apply on the affected area.
EPILEPSY: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey mix them and add half tea spoon Kalonji oil use it twice a day. During this treatment cold food should not be taken. Avoid guava, Banana, Sitaphal for three years.
Eye infection pain & weak sight & watering: Apply kalonji oil around the eyes & on the eyelid before going to sleep take half-teaspoon kalonji oil with a cup of carrot juice.
Eye Disease & Impaired Vision: Rub the eyelids and the sides of the eye orbits half an hour before going to bed with black seed oil. A half-tablespoon of the black seed oil should also be drunk with a cup of carrot juice.
Eye Disease & Impaired Vision:
Rub the eyelids and the sides of the eye orbits half an hour before going to bed with black seed oil. A tablespoon of the oil should also be drunk with a cup of carrot juice. Results should be apparent in one month, insha Allah.
Eye pain: Rub the oil around the eyes before you sleep and mix a few drops of the oil with hot drinks.
FACIAL PROBLEMS, PIMPLES, RED GRANULES AND ANY TYPE OF SPOTS: Take one cup of Orange Mausambhi (sweet lime) juice or Pineapple juice and add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before the breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Also use Kalonji Pimple cream for application. Treatment may continue for four weeks. Avoid hot eatable items.
FAIRNESS OF FACE: Take 50 grams of Olive oil and add 50 grams of Kalonji oil. Take half teaspoon in the morning before breakfast. Skin will be fair and glowing pink. (Note: - Pregnant women are not allowed to take this medicine).
FACIAL PROBLEMS: Take one cup of Orange Mausambhi (sweet lime) juice or Pineapple juice and add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before the breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Also use Kalonji Pimple cream for application. Treatment may continue for four weeks. Avoid hot eatable items.
BEAUTIFULNESS: Take 10 grams of `Sunheri gearu’ and add four drops of Kalonji oil rub this past at night before going to bed. In the morning wash the face with like warm water and soap (skin care) Insha-Allah your skin will look smooth and beautiful.
General Health and Well Being: Take one spoon of honey and one spoon of black seeds mixed every day or 1/2 spoon of the oil mixed with honey before your breakfast.
FACE AND SKIN SMOOTH: Keep the FACE AND SKIN SMOOTH: Take two big spoons of honey and half spoon of Kalonji oil and half spoon of Olive oil and mix altogether. Use this mixture two times a day in the morning and before going to bed. Continue for 40 days.
BRAIN FEVER: Allow the vapours of Kalonji oil enter the body through breath. Take one lemon juice and half teaspoon kalonji oil and use for 3 days twice a day. From fourth day teaspoon kalonji oil in one cup of decoction twice day.
SIMPLE FEVER: Take half cup of water and add half lemon Juice mixed with half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day. Treatment may continue until you get relief. Avoid use of Rice.
HIGH TEMPERATURE: Take half teaspoon of Kalonji oil with decoction (tea without Milk or Black tea). Continue till the temperature comes to normal.
Remedy 1: Internally - Make a tea Mix equal parts Ground black seed, ground fennel and peppermint. Add 3- 7 drops of Black seed oil. Sweeten with honey.
Remedy 2: Externally - Make compression: Apply a compression soaked with apple vinegar and black seed to the stomach.
Flu & nasal congestion: Placing 3 to 4 drops of black seed oil in each nostril relieves nasal congestion and head cold distress.
FRESHNESS AND HANDSOMENESS: Take one spoon of olive oil. Mix together with half teaspoon of kalonji oil and rub it on the face. After one hour wash it with soap water. Treatment may continue for one week.
GASES, STOMACH IRRITATION AND STOMACH ACHE: In this case take one spoon of Ginger juice and half tea spoon of kalonji oil and drink twice day. This treatment is also useful for removing obesity. This medicine makes the patient slim.
GASES AND ACIDITY: Mix one tola of ginger juice with half tola Kalonji oil, add some salt and water. Use mixture for immediate relief.
GASTICE TROUBLES: Take 60 grams Ajwan ½ spoon. Kalonji oil and mix lime juice let it dry in the Sun add 10 grams black salt by crushing and use daily once in evening.
GENERAL WEAKNESS: Take half teaspoon of kalonji oil and add one spoon honey. Mix together and use it once a day. General weakness and other diseases will be removed.
Hair Loss: Stroke the scalp thoroughly with lemon, leave for 15 minutes then wash and dry. Then apply ½ - 1 tsp Nigella sativa oil.
FALLING HAIRS PREMATURELY: Rub Lime Juice on the head and leave it for fifteen minutes, then wash it with shampoo, after getting dried rub the Kalonji oil all over the head.
BALDNESS: Take 20 grams Kalonji oil and 20 grams powder of Mehindi, Add 60 grams of vinegar (Sirka) and rub on the baldhead. Wash head after one hour. Insha-Allah baldness will vanish and also useful for recovery of damage hair. Note: - this process may be used once in a week. Falling hairs will be controlled with in a week. Treatment may continue for one week.
Loss of Hair & premature Graying: Scrub the scalp thoroughly with lemon, leave it for 15 minutes, wash away with water and shampoo and dry well, thereafter apply Black seed oil to the whole scalp, continue for 6 weeks.
Hair Loss and Premature Graying: Wash your hair and then apply liberal amounts of olive oil and black seed oil mixed together. Wait one hour and rinse.
Premature hair graying: Massage the beard area with black seed oil ensuring that the oil penetrates to the roots, this stimulates the growth of the beard and prevents premature hair graying.
Headache: Rub the forehead and sides of the head and part of the face near the ears with the Nigella sativa oil. Drink ½ tsp of oil after a meal 3 times a day.
HEADACHE: Rub Kalonji oil on the forehead and near ears, and also drink half-teaspoon Kalonji oil twice a day.
Headache and Earache: Apply kalonji oil to the forehead, sides of face adjacent to the ears & behind the ears. Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil for 3 days.
HALF SIDE HEADACHE: Put one drop of Kalonji oil in nostril (nose) opposite to the headache area and also take half spoon of kalonji oil daily.
Headaches and Migraines: Take black seed oil and rub on the temples. Place a few drops in the nostrils and also place some oil on top of the head. Eat some black seeds and honey, two times a day.
Headaches / Head Colds:
Remedy 1: Mix: • l tbsp. ground black seed, • l tbsp. ground anise seed, • l tbsp. powdered cloves, Take one teaspoon of this mixture before meals. Keep mixture in mouth until it canbe swallowed. Don’t take with water.
Remedy 2: Take 1/2 teaspoon of black seed oil 2-3 times daily.
FROM HEAD TO TOE: Mix one cup of orange juice with half teaspoon of Kalonji oil, take morning before breakfast and at night bedtime. Treatment may continue for four months.
HEALTHY BODY: TO MAINTAIN HEALTHY BODY 1 Kg. of wheat flour add half teaspoon of kalonji oil and make roti and eat. Insha-Allah! You will remain healthy.
Healthy Complexion: Rub ½ tsp oil all over face. Wash with cold water.
Heart Problems: Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil mixed with any hot drink daily in the morning this will liquefy the fats & widen the veins & arteries. Avoid fatty foods.
HEART ATTACK, SWELLING on BREATHING VEINS: Blockage of heart valve, breathing problem, cold sweating, pressure on heart. Take one cup of Goat’s milk add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day, once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the evening before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid fatty items.
Hearing - All ear problems including earache, infection and poor hearing: Heat kalonji oil & let it cool & drop two drops of cooled kalonji oil in the ear.
HEARING PROBLEMS, EAR PAIN, And FLOW OF PUSS: Mix equal quantity of pure olive oil, almond and Kalonji oil and heat them. Put one drop in each ear of this mixture twice a day in the morning and bedtime.
Heart Attack: In a cup of goat milk add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and us this mixture twice a day. Avoid all fatty food items. Continue treatment for ten days. After ten days use daily once.
Heartburn: Add a few drops of black seed oil to a hot cup of milk and add one teaspoon of honey. Also, eat a lot of lettuce.
Heart complaints & Constriction of Veins: Take half teaspoon of black seed oil mixed with any hot drink daily in the mornings, this will liquefy the fats and widen the veins and arteries.
HEART WEAKNESS: (Heart Trouble): Mix 4 drops of garlic juice add four drops of kalonji oil to this add some misri and water and take this mixture daily.
HICCUPS: Eat ½ spoon Kalonji oil and 7 seeds of Kalonji with butter.
HICCUPS: Take one big spoon cream (Malai) mixed with 2 drops of Kalonji oil and drink in the morning and in the night. Treatment may continue for seven days.
Hypertension: Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil with only hot drink at any time and take 2 lobes of garlic on empty stomach. Apply Black seed oil to your whole body and expose it to the sun every three days, continue the treatment for a month.
Hypertension: Strain a tsp of finely crushed black seeds into a hot drink and take with two lobes of garlic every morning before breakfast.
Indigestion: Take 1 glass apple juices; add 10 drops kalonji oil & black pepper & zeera one pinch
Inflammation of nose and throat: Put 10 drops of kalonji oil in a cup of boiling water & inhale the vapor.
Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil with lemon juice daily.
Take ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil with lemon juice daily.
Insomnia: A teaspoon of black seed & honey or with tea before supper offers relief from insomnia and a restful sleep.
Insomnia: A teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in a hot drink after supper gives you a quiet sleep all through the night.
Intestinal parasites: Take 1 tsp Nigella sativa oil with 'wormwood' capsules. Eat plenty of onions and garlic.
INDIGESTION, GASES, STOMACH IRRITATION AND STOMACH ACHE: In this case take one spoon of Ginger juice and half tea spoon of kalonji oil and drink twice day. This treatment is also useful for removing obesity. This medicine makes the patient slim.
JAUNDICE: Take one cup of milk, add half teaspoon of kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (one in the morning and once after the dinner). Treatment may continue for a week. Avoid fatty and sour eatable items.
JAUNDICE: Put one tola of Ajwan in water and keep in shade at daytime and in the dewdrops at nighttime. Next day filter and pour ½ spoon of Kalonji oil. Take once in day. Or take two tola leaves of Mehindi and put in the water at nighttime. In the morning after filtering add 14 pieces of Kalonji seeds, one spoon of honey and ½ spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture once in a day.
Joints Pain and Arthritis etc.: Take one spoon of vinegar, add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and mix two spoons honey, use twice a day (In the morning before the breakfast and in the night after dinner)
JOINT PAIN: Swelling on ankle and other pains in the joints. Take one spoon vinegar and two spoons of honey and add half teaspoon of kalonji oil. Use this mixture two times a day and also massage with same (Til) oil. Avoid gas-producing elements for 21 days.
JOINT PAINS, BACK ACHE & NECK PAIN: Eat two pieces of dry fig and add 4 drops of kalonji oil in one cup of Milk. Do not eat anything till two hours. Treatment is to be continued for 2 months. Avoid potatoes, tomatoes, green chills and bottle gaud.
Kidney Pain (RENAL COLI): Take 250 grams Kalonji grind it and take one cup of honey, mix together. Out of this mixture take two spoons mixture and add half-cup water and add half teaspoon of kalonji oil use it once a day. Treatment may continue for twenty days.
KIDNEY TROUBLE, INFECTION IN THE KIDNEYS: Take half teaspoon of Kalonji oil; add 2 grams Akar khara Powder, mix one spoon honey with one cup of water and drink. This treatment is also useful for chronic cough (Purani Khansi). Treatment may continue 21 days.
Stone in Kidney, Bladder and Uterus: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoon of honey mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use that twice a day. (Once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the night after dinner). Avoid tomatoes, spinach (Palak), lemon diet, sitaphal for three years.
LADIES SECRET DISEASES: (Leucorrhoea, White Discharge, Menses discharges 2 to 4 times a month, stomach pain, back pain) Treatment – Take mint (Pudina leaves) add two glasses of water and boil, then add half tea spoon kalonji oil and drink one time in the morning before the breakfast and in the night at the morning before breakfast and in the night at the time going to bed. Treatment may continue for forty days. Avoid Pickles, brinjal egg and fish.
LADIES DISEASES: (Stoppage of menses for long term, stomach pain): Take one cup of warm water add half tea spoon kalonji oil and two spoons honey one time in the morning before the breakfast and in the night after dinner. Treatment may continue for month. Avoid potato and Brinjal.
MENSTRUATIONS PROBLEMS: Take one spoon of honey and mix with half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and drink one teaspoon in the morning before the breakfast and one teaspoon in the evening. Use this process for two weeks.
UTERUS PROBLEMS: ½ bunch of Pudina juice, 2 spoon of Misri powder, ½ teaspoon of Kalonji oil, mix and use before breakfast. This treatment may continue for 40 days.
Women and delivery: It is the best thing for helping with the pains of labor. Boil the black seed with honey and drink.
Laziness: Mix 10 drops of black seed oil with a glass of orange juice when waking up for 10 days. Important, do not sleep after Fajr salat.
Laziness and tiredness/REVITAL OF THE BODY: Take juices of Orange (Malta) add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use it. Laziness and tiredness will be removed. Nervous Tension: ½ tsp Nigella sativa oil with herbal tea like lemon balm, clary sage, passionflower.
General WEAKNESS: Take half teaspoon of kalonji oil and add one spoon honey. Mix together and use it once a day. General weakness and other diseases will be removed.
Freshness & Handsomeness: Take one spoon of olive oil. Mix together with half teaspoon of kalonji oil and rub it on the face. After one hour wash it with soap water. Treatment may continue for one week.
LEPROSY: Take apple juice and Kalonji oil, first rub apple juice and then Kalonji oil one by one the effected part.
LEPROSY, WHITE SPOTS OF ANY KIND: Take half spoon of Kalonji oil in one cup of orange juice and use this portion twice a day or take one spoon vinegar (home made), one spoon honey and half spoon kalonji oil mixed together and use this mixture twice a day. Treatment may continue until the symptoms disappear.
Lethargy: 1 tsp of Nigella sativa oil with orange juice for 10 days.
LIVER & ABDOMENT Diseases: Take 200 grams of honey and half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and drink this mixture half in the morning before breakfast and half in the evening. Use this process for one month. Avoid Tamarind items.
LIVER DISORDER AND JAUNDICE: Put one tola of Ajwan in water and keep in shade at daytime and in the dewdrops at nighttime. Next day filter and pour ½ spoon of Kalonji oil. Take once in day. Or take two tola leaves of Mehindi and put in the water at nighttime. In the morning after filtering add 14 pieces of Kalonji seeds, one spoon of honey and ½ spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture once in a day.
JAUNDICE: Take one cup of milk, add half teaspoon of kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (one in the morning and once after the dinner). Treatment may continue for a week. Avoid fatty and sour eatable items.
LUNGS PROBLEM & SWELLING OF THROAT: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day (Once in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner, before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid ice Cream, ice water, coconuts, lemon, orange & Mausambhi.
MADNESS AND PILES: Take half teaspoon of kalonji oil and mix with cold water and drink. If you mix the same (TIL) oil with boiled water and let it cool and drink, Insha-Allah piles will be cured. For SNAKE POISON same process should be adopted. Avoid Guava, Banana and Sitaphal.
MALE RELATED DISEASES: Night discharge: Take one cup of apple juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner. Daily four drops of Kalonji oil should be rubbed on the head. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid hot/spicy eatable items.
SEXUAL DISORDERS: (Weakness): Take two teaspoon of honey and add one drop of Kalonji oil with one drop of `Jaiphal oil’. Use this mixture daily before going to bed. Treatment may continue for two weeks.
Manly Potency: Its paste with olive oil applied to the penis improves the manly- potency.
MATERNITY: The mental weakness after the child born, tiredness, and bleeding related diseases: Take one cup of cucumber juice, add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day once before the breakfast in the morning and once in the night before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 40 days.
MiGRAiNE: HALF SIDE HEADACHE: Put one drop of Kalonji oil in nostril (nose) opposite to the headache area and also take half spoon of kalonji oil daily.
Memory: Take 1/2 teaspoon of black seed and 1/2 teaspoon of honey thrice a day.
Memorizing: Boil mint and mix it with honey and 7 drops of black seed oil—drink while warm any time of the day. Also, stop drinking coffee and tea.
MEMORY POWER: 1 spoon of honey with 10 drops of kalonji oil daily chew 2,3 pieces of Dalcini (cardamom) daily.
MEMORY POWER: To increase the memory power and take 10 gm. Mint (Pudina leaves) and boil it with the water and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day. Treatment continues for twenty days.
WEAKNESS OF BRAIN: take one teaspoon of ghee or 2 teaspoons of milk cream with to drops of kalonji oil with sugar for taste before breakfast daily. Nervous Tension: ½ tsp Nigella sativa oil with herbal tea like lemon balm, clary sage, passionflower.
FOR ACTIVENESS: Half teaspoon of Kalonji oil with 2 spoon honey daily before breakfast.
MEMORY: Weak Memory (Absent mindedness): In case of absent-mindedness crush seven seeds of Kalonji. Add one spoon of honey and ½ spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture daily. Also chew 3-4 pieces of cardamom in a day.
MENSTRUATIONS PROBLEMS: Take one spoon of honey and mix with half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and drink one teaspoon in the morning before the breakfast and one teaspoon in the evening. Use this process for two weeks.
INCREASING MOTHER’S MILK: One cup milk two drops of kalonji oil in the morning before breakfast and at night before going to bed.
Breast feeding (increase the flow of breast milk): Prepare a mixture of 250g black seeds & 250g pure honey, stir thoroughly before each dosage. Take 2 tablespoons of this formulation mixed with one teaspoon of black seed oil daily.
Moles: It can be applied to remove the developed moles from the body, cleans the skin and regularizes the menses.
Mosquitoes: Its smoke drives away the mosquitoes and bugs.
Mouth Infection Virus: Place some black seeds in your mouth and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Muscular Dystrophy: Take one spoon of black seeds mixed with honey, three times a day. Eat as many raisins as possible. Eat a soup of morrow (soup bones) every day.
Muscles, Tired legs, etc.: Massage on affected area.
NAUSEA OR VOMITING: Take one spoon of Caration powder and add half-teaspoon kalonji oil and boil it. Now in this warm mixture add mint (Pudina leaves) & use thrice a day.
NAUSEA AND VOMITING: Mix and preserve, 100 grams pure vinegar (sirka) 200 grams sugar and ½ spoon of Kalonji oil. Chew it Nausea and vomiting will be cured.
Nausea / Vomiting: Mix a teaspoon of ground black seed in boiled mint three times daily.
NECK PAIN, Joints & Backache: Eat two pieces of dry fig and add 4 drops of kalonji oil in one cup of Milk. Do not eat anything till two hours. Treatment is to be continued for 2 months. Avoid potatoes, tomatoes, green chills and bottle gaud.
Nervous Tension: ½ tsp Nigella sativa oil with herbal tea like lemon balm, clary sage, passionflower.
OBESITY: Half teaspoon of Kalonji oil, two spoons of honey mixed in luke warm water and take twice a day. Avoid taking rice.
OPTHALMIC DISEASE: Redness of eyes, cataract, eye’s trouble, eye weakness and watering etc. Treatment- Take one cup of carrot juice mix with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner), Treatment many continue for forty days. Avoid Pickle, Brinjal
Period Pain (leucorrhoea, white discharge, menses discharges 2 to 4 times a month, stomach pain, back pain) Take two glass of water & boil with mint (pudina leaves) add teaspoon kalonji oil. Drink before breakfast & after dinner for 40 days. Avoid pickle, brinjal egg & fish.
Facial Paralysis: Place one teaspoon of the oil in a liter of boiling water and inhale the fumes.
Facial Paralysis & tetanus: Inhaling the vapor of black seed oil and hot water can help against facial paralysis and tetanus, and eliminates their causes, insha Allah.
PARALYSES, POLIO & (Laqhwa): Daily put one drop of Kalonji oil in the nostril, which is opposite to Polio side, use half spoon of Kalonji oil with one spoon of honey.
Paralyses, POLIO, & SHIVERING: Daily take two half boiled eggs and follow the treatment as mention for POLIO and Paralyses aliment.
PILES: Take 50 grams of powder of Mehindi leaves add 250 grams pure Olive oil and boil them for 5 minutes. Pour three drops of Kalonji oil with the help cotton. Apply this past of the affected area. This process may be used twice a day that is in the morning and at the bedtime. Also eat 4-5 figs with ½ spoon kalonji oil.
PILES: Take one spoon of Vinegar and add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and apply on piles. This process may be used twice a day.
Piles, blood in stools and constipation: Take half teaspoon of Kalonji oil mixed with 1-cup black tea twice a day before breakfast & after dinner. Avoid hot & spicy items.
PILES & Madness: teaspoon of kalonji oil and mix with cold water Take half and drink. If you mix the same (TIL) oil with boiled water and let it cool and drink, Insha-Allah piles will be cured.
For SNAKE POISON: same process should be adopted. Avoid Guava, Banana and Sitaphal.
Pimples & Acne: Take one cup sweet lime (mosambi) juice or pineapple juice add half teaspoon of kalonji oil twice daily. Before breakfast & after dinner for 4 weeks.
POISONOUS ATTACKS: Eat two pieces of fig and take half spoon of Kalonji oil and mix with two spoons of honey and drink, with this mixture you will be protected from snakebites. Don’t allow the patient to sleep for four hours. Use this mixture for seven days.
SNAKE POISON, MADNESS AND PILES: Take half teaspoon of kalonji oil and mix with cold water and drink. If you mix the same (TIL) oil with boiled water and let it cool and drink, Insha-Allah piles will be cured. same process should be adopted. Avoid Guava, Banana and Sitaphal.
POISONOUS VIRUS: Take one glass warm water, add one spoon date (Khajur) powder half spoon kalonji oil and two spoons of kalonji oil and two spoons on Honey, mix together and use thrice a day once in the morning before breakfast, after lunch and after dinner. Treatment may continue for forty days. Avoid Potato’s, Brinjal, Pulses (Chana ki Dal), and Pulses (Masoor ki Dal).
POLIO AND PARALYSIS (Laqwa): Take one cup of warm water, add one spoon of honey and half teaspoon kalonji oil and use this mixture twice daily and for children’s in two spoons milk add 3 drops of Kalonji oil of warm water, this mixture three times a day. Continue forty days.
POLIO AND PARALYSES: (Laqhwa): Daily put one drop of Kalonji oil in the nostril, which is opposite to Polio side, use half spoon of Kalonji oil with one spoon of honey.
Psoriasis: Mix juice of six limes with 50 gms. Kalonji oil together, rub on the affected areas.
A teaspoon of Black Seed Oil or the seeds be taken daily as a dietary supplement. The oil does not taste nice, but it can be mixed into a glass of orange juice or into yogurt to camouflage it's taste. It can also be used for external application. Its meritorious benefits far outweighs, ongoing research highlight more remedies, uses and benefits. it would be in the interest of the health seeker to include the Sunnah of Black Seeds in the daily diet to benefit wholesomely.
How to Prepare the Seeds: The seeds have a harsh taste and will burn the stomach if the seeds are not heated first. Place the seeds on low heat and stir them every few minutes. Taste the seeds to see when the flavor becomes very bland. After the tartness is removed, take the pan from the heat. Grind what is needed in a coffee grinder and place in vegetarian capsules. Kalonji seeds are generally sautéed in Ghee or dry-roasted to release the aroma and flavor and then added to vegetable dishes. The seeds taste pleasantly bitter and slightly pungent.
Doses: 5 or 7 seeds of Kalonji & ground it, mixed it in olive oil and dropped in both nostrils, equally effective for the diseases due to heat and cold. DOSAGE: Drink 5 drops (1/2 teaspoon a day) and rub into necessary area. For asthma, add more or less than 5 drops of Nig' Ella with a tablespoon of Amazing, some hot water and Oxy-Pi.
Dosing: There are no clinical data upon which to base dosing recommendations.
REVITAL OF THE BODY, (Azme-e-Hali): Take juices of Orange (Malta) add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use it. Laziness and tiredness will be removed.
Rheumatism: Warm black seed oil and massage the oil into the painful areas. Also, make a drink of boiled
black seed and mix with honey, drink before going to sleep; and have a lot of yaqeen (full-faith).
Rheumatic and Back Pain: Heat some of the black seed oil and rub on the area of pain. Eat some black seeds and honey daily.
Rheumatism: Mildly heat a small amount of black seed oil and then stroke the rheumatic area intensely. A teaspoon of oil should also be drunk thrice daily.
SEXUAL DISORDERS: (Weakness): Take two teaspoon of honey and add one drop of Kalonji oil with one drop of `Jaiphal oil’. Use this mixture daily before going to bed. Treatment may continue for two weeks.
MALE RELATED DISEASES: Night discharge: Take one cup of apple juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner. Daily four drops of Kalonji oil should be rubbed on the head. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid hot/spicy eatable items.
Sinusitis: Inhale through nose with vapours bath, take 1 tsp daily in chronic cases, 3 times daily in acute cases.
Skin: Internally: Take 1/2 teaspoon black seed oil 2-3 times a day.
Externally: For a clear complexion, mix 1/2 teaspoon of black seed oil with a tablespoon of olive oil. Rub the face with this mixture and leave on for one hour. Wash with soap and water.
Skin Disease: one cup of vinegar add ½ teaspoon kalonji oil & apply on the effected areas before going to sleep & take bath in morning & continue until you get relief.
SKIN DISEASES: In one cup of vinegar add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and apply this mixture on the affected areas before going to bed. Treatment may continue until you get relief.
SKIN DISEASES – (White/Black spots): In one cup of vinegar add half spoon Kalonji oil and apply that on the affected area before going to sleep in the night and take bath in the morning. Treatment may continue until you get relief.
SKIN DISEASE RELEATED TO PIMPLES BOILS: Before going to bed apply Kalonji oil on the affected areas of the body and sleep, in the morning wash with soap. Continue of 21 days.
SKIN & FACE SMOOTH: Keep the FACE AND SKIN SMOOTH: Take two big spoons of honey and half spoon of Kalonji oil and half spoon of Olive oil and mix altogether. Use this mixture two times a day in the morning and before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 40 days.
SORIASIS: Mix juice of six limes with 50 grams of kalonji oil together rub on the affected places.
SOUND SLEEP: After dinner take half teaspoon of Kalonji oil with one spoon of honey, you will get sound sleep.
Stomach complaint: Drink mint tea with lemon and take 1 tsp Nigella sativa oil 3 times a day or until relieved.
STOMACH ACHE: In this case take one spoon of Ginger juice and half teaspoon of kalonji oil and drink twice day. This treatment is also useful for removing obesity. This medicine makes the patient slim.
STOMACH ACHE OF THE CHILDRENS: Take two drops of Kalonji oil mix it with mother’s milk or cow milk and give to the child. Kalonji oil also should be rubbed on the ribs.
STOMACH PAIN: Mix ½ spoon of Kalonji oil with little (Pinch) of salt in half glass of warm water and drink it. It is useful for stomach pain.
STOMACH PAIN: (all types): In a glass of sweet lime (Mausambhi) juice add to spoon of homey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day. Avoid all gas elements. Treatment may continue for 20 day.
STOMACH PAIN (SINGLE): Mix ½ spoon of Kalonji oil with little (Pinch) of salt in half glass of warm water and drink it. It is useful for stomach pain.
STOMACH SWELLING: Mix 3 grams of Ajwan, 3 grams Methi, 4 drops of Kalonji oil together. Take this mixture before breakfast and before dinner
Stone in Kidney, Bladder and Uterus: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoon of honey mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oildilute & use this mixture twice a day. (Once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the night after dinner). Avoid tomatoes, spinach (Palak), lemon diet, sweet lime (Mausambh), and sitaphal for three years. Treatment should be continued until the stone is discharged.
Stone in Bladder: If taken with honey, it removes the bladder stone.
Stones in Liver & Gallstones: Place a large spoon of black seeds mixed with honey in a glass, add in some hot water. Finally add in one teaspoon of oil. Drink this mixture daily, first thing in the morning.
Kidney stones & Gallstones: Prepare a formulation of 250g of ground black seed & 250g pure honeys, stir thoroughly before use. Take two tablespoons of this formulation and mix thoroughly with half a cup of hot water. Finally add one teaspoon of black seed oil. This mixture is to be taken every morning before consuming any food. Remember: A teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in a glass of orange juice with breakfast makes you active all through the day.
Kidney stones & Gallstones: Crushed Black Seeds sweetened with Honey can help dissolve gallstones and kidney stones and when taken over a few days, it increases urine, menses and milk.
Stammering: Mix half spoon of kalonji oil in 2 spoons of honey and keep it on the tongue twice a day.
ANYTYPE OF SWELLING: Heat required quantity of Kalonji oil and apply on affected area. Half teaspoon of Kalonji oil to be consumed twice a day.
SWELLING ON VITAL ORGAN: On swelling below thigh and pulse, first wash it with soap water and dry. Rub the Kalonji oil on the swelling part and keep it as it is for the next day morning. Treatment may continue for three days.
High TEMPERATURE: Take half teaspoon of Kalonji oil with decoction (tea without Milk or Black tea). Continue till the temperature comes to normal.
SWELLING OF THROAT, LUNGS PROBLEM: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day (Once in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner, before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid ice Cream, ice water, coconuts, lemon, orange and Mausambhi.
SWELLING OF STOMACH: Mix 3 grams of Ajwan, 3 grams Methi, 4 drops of Kalonji oil together. Take this mixture before breakfast and before dinner
Tooth Ache & Swelling Gums: Mix ½ teaspoon of kalonji oil with warm water & gargle the mouth & apply kalonji oil and the affected tooth, it will alleviate pain quickly.
TOOTH PAIN AND SWELLING OF GUMS: Take one spoon of vinegar and add half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and apply on affected area for two or three minutes and rinse the mouth. Repeat this process twice a day. Treatment may continue for one week.
TOOTH ACHE AND SWELLING OF GUMS: Apply one drop of clove oil with Kalonji oil on the affected area 2-3 minutes for cleaning the teeth, heat lohari salt and crush it the add few drops of olive oil and rinse the teeth with it.
TOOTH ACHE, CAVITIES TOOTH DECAY: At the time of going to bed put a piece of cotton which is soaked in Kalonji oil, on affected area. Continue this treatment at least for seven days. Dental problems will vanish.
Tonsillitis: Boil 10 gms of Kalonji with half litre of water & filter. Gargle twice a day.
TUMOUR: Rub the Kalonji oil on the effected part and drink half teaspoon of Kalonji oil once. Treatment may continue of fifteen days.
Tumors & Cancers: Take 1 teaspoon of the oil mixed with one teaspoon of raw honey twice a day. This mixture should be taken one hour before breakfast and before sleeping at night. Also take 4-5 cloves of garlic daily or 1 teaspoon of dried garlic powder mixed with honey.
Ulcers: Mix 10 drops of black seed oil with a cup of honey. Eat i spoon of this mixture daily, every morning, before you eat or drink anything else. Follow with a glass of milk. Do this for two months.
UTERUS PROBLEMS: ½ bunch of Pudina juice, 2 spoon of Misri powder, ½ teaspoon of Kalonji oil, mix and use before breakfast. This treatment may continue for 40 days.
Vomiting: Take ½ teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mix with equal amount of kalonji oil, twice a day.
VOMITING: Take one spoon of Caration powder and add half-teaspoon kalonji oil and boil it. Now in this warm mixture add mint (Pudina leaves) & use thrice a day.
Vomiting/Nausea: Mix a teaspoon of ground black seed in boiled mint three times daily.
Warts, Moles: It can be applied to remove the developed moles from the body, cleans the skin and regularizes the menses.
WEAKNESS General: Take half teaspoon of kalonji oil and add one spoon honey. Mix together and use it once a day. General weakness and other diseases will be removed.
WEAKNESS Heart: (Heart Trouble): Mix 4 drops of garlic juice add four drops of kalonji oil to this add some misri and water and take this mixture daily.
Women and delivery: It is the best thing for helping with the pains of labor. Boil the black seed with honey and drink.
Worms of the Stomach: Mix 1 spoon vinegar with half-teaspoon kalonji oil twice daily before breakfast afternoon & night for 10 days & avoid sweets. Continue the treatment for 10 days.
WORMS IN THE STOMACH: Take 14 crushed seeds of Kalonji, 2 drops of Kalonji oil and one drop of pure vinegar (sirka) mix it with ¼ litter of water. Drink it. Insha-Allah worms of the stomach will be removed /discharged.
WORMS IN THE STOMACH ROUND WORMS AND TAPS: Take half spoon Vinegar mixed with half teaspoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day and eat some coconut pieces. Avoid sugar items.
Here i am with a very much
effectively working, weight loosing solution, which is can easily make you
loose KGs of weight just over a month.
All you need are the following food
- Kalonji also known as (Nigella sativa seed), is a natural seed (spice). Look for availability in nearest food store.
- Lemon
- Warm Water (bit hot)
- Honey
Important: Follow the instructions
with empty-stomach in the morning, about 30-45 minutes before taking the
- Take 1 glass of warm water, add 1 lemon-juice and drink.
- Now again take half glass of warm water, take 3-5 mg Kalonji in a spoon, and swallow that with water.
- Eat 1 spoon (20-22 g) of pure natural honey.
Done! Now just follow the procedure
and you will notice the weight loss yourself. Moreover the weight loss will be
completely healthy and natural, and will not have any side-effects at all,
because all ingredients are completely natural. Kalonji (often known as
Nigella sativa seeds) are small black color seeds extracted from plant called
Nigella sativa. Kalonji is very very good for health and is used to treat
various diseases and its regular use is very good for health.
Nigella Sativa has over 100 chemical compounds and has
Vitamins such as calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium and Vitamins A, B, C, D
and E in the seeds. Prophet Mohammad said, "Use this seed regularly,
because it is a cure for every disease, except death." Nigella Sativa has
been regarded as a true "Miracle Cure" and was found in King Tut's
tomb, suggesting that even centuries ago, the Kings thought of it as a valuable
plant and herb of blessings.
As soon as the person gets the first sign of an attack, they must take their first dose of Nigella Sativa. Nigella Sativa comes two ways, in the original small tiny black seeds(that need to be heated) and the oils. The oil is what is needed for the migraine, as the oil is very concentrated. For migraines, you need to take the oil and rub it on the back of your neck and over the eyes and at the hairline. Also, if you have pain at the top of your head, dab some there. Then take a few drops and put in each nostril, not deep inside but at the bottom of the nostril, and then breathe in deeply. This needs to be done 3 times a day or as long as the headache remains. You also need to take 1 teaspoon of the oil with one teaspoon of honey when you wake up in the morning. Wait one hour before eating anything for breakfast.
As soon as the person gets the first sign of an attack, they must take their first dose of Nigella Sativa. Nigella Sativa comes two ways, in the original small tiny black seeds(that need to be heated) and the oils. The oil is what is needed for the migraine, as the oil is very concentrated. For migraines, you need to take the oil and rub it on the back of your neck and over the eyes and at the hairline. Also, if you have pain at the top of your head, dab some there. Then take a few drops and put in each nostril, not deep inside but at the bottom of the nostril, and then breathe in deeply. This needs to be done 3 times a day or as long as the headache remains. You also need to take 1 teaspoon of the oil with one teaspoon of honey when you wake up in the morning. Wait one hour before eating anything for breakfast.
What is sunheri gearu?
ReplyDeleteI Never believed i was ever going to be HSV FREE again, DR.Ehiaguna has given me reasons to be happy, i was HSV positive for 2 years and all the means and medicine i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about DR.Ehiaguna on how he was able to cure someone from HSV 2, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that DR.Ehiaguna can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by DR.Ehiahuna , i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HSV NEGATIVE, friends you can reach DR.Ehiaguna on any treatment of any Disease cos i saw many testimony of different disease like, HEPATITIS,HIV AIDS,EPILEPSY, CANCER,CFS he is the one only one i can show you all up to, reach him on or whatsApp him now +2348073908953. quick contact him for help and you can just quickly drop your number on your first mail as i did for easily conversation
DeleteI am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been
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face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one
day I was surfing the Internet I found Dr. Emmanuel contact number. I called him
and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my
health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Emmanuel herbal
medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Emmanuel and very happy with my hubby and
family. email him on OR contact his whatsapp number:
4. ALS
Greetings to the general public, i want to tell about how i was cured of HIV/AIDS disease by a Doctor called Dr omoye. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HIV and i saw comment of people talking about how Doctor omoye cured them. I Was scared because i never believed in the Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i having no hope of been cured of HIV/AIDS so i decided to contact him with his email that was listed on the comment ( ) when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my HIV result came out negative. I pray for you Dr omoye God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and grate men. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you have any problem Email: tel: +2347036484707
ReplyDeleteThank to dr. okorom for his good work I really believe HIV have cure I was HIV positive over since 1year plus before I come across a comment dr.okorom that he have cure to any disease and virus but when I saw it i have it in mind that he can’t cure HIV I just decided to give a try I contact him that night lucky to me he said yes but I don’t believe him I think it was a scam or some thing like that but I still hold on to see the work of dr.okorom if he is saying the true he ask for different things and some question about me I give him all the detail he needed and I wait to see his reply to my problem after all the things is done he ask me to go for check up I went for hiv test I cant believe I was negative the medicine doctor was surprasie and doctor even ask for dr okorom email which i give to him, he is help people that contact him also he can still help you on your cure thanks dr.okorom for helping me for the cure at this young age if you need help contact him now or call +2348158168556 or
ReplyDeleteGod bless Dr.owona for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HIV since 2014 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the HIV out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HIV i saw a comment about ( how he cured HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HIV, Dr.owona truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don’t you contact him through his mobile phone number +2348115204568.. : or you can also reach him on email address,
ReplyDeletei want to share to the whole world on how Dr Alaho help my Mother cure HPV Please help me thank Dr Alaho for his good work I really believe HPV is known not to have a cure, i contacted this disease in 2012, i have done all my best to get cured from this disease but all to no avail until a friend of mine told me about doctor oosa herbal home on the internet who helps people cure any kind of diseases including HIV Cancer, Herpes etc, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor he helped me with his herbal medicine and i was healed within (13days) and i went for a medical checkup and my doctor confirm it that i am HIV negative.Contact this grate herbal doctor for any kind of disease or ailment via this email or or call him +2349056803606. God we Bless You.
ReplyDeleteDear friends, How can I explain this to the world again that there is a man
ReplyDeletewho can cure HIV/aids I was HIV over since 5year I have being into HIV drug
I can’t anymore I decide to look for help then I found post by miss randy
write about this great man dr.alimo telling people about how this man have
cured her HIV I don’t believe that, because all I have in mind is HIV had
no cure, thank god for my life today am HIV negative through the power of
dr.alimo contacted this man for help because who write about him drop an
email of the man I pick the email and emailed him for the cure this man
told me what to do about the cure well, am from england this man cast a
curing spell on me and he told me that he will call me after the cure is
done truly he did I was cured for 45mins spell what a wonderful man this
DR. if you need his cure just Email him now (
dr.alimospherbarhom@yahoomil.comc) thank you once again the great dr. for
what you have done for me, if you are out there, since passing through any
of this problems listed below: 1) If you want your ex back. (2) if you
always have bad dreams. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. (4) You
want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) You want to
be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8) If
you need financial assistance. (9) Herbal care (10) if you want to cure
your HIV (11) If you want to cure your cancer (12) if you want to cure any
disease just contact him now with this Email
or call +2348084847967 or whatsapp dr on +2347052302954 thanks dr
Dear friends, How can I explain this to the world again that there is a man
ReplyDeletewho can cure HIV/aids I was HIV over since 5year I have being into HIV drug
I can’t anymore I decide to look for help then I found post by miss randy
write about this great man dr.alimo telling people about how this man have
cured her HIV I don’t believe that, because all I have in mind is HIV had
no cure, thank god for my life today am HIV negative through the power of
dr.alimo contacted this man for help because who write about him drop an
email of the man I pick the email and emailed him for the cure this man
told me what to do about the cure well, am from england this man cast a
curing spell on me and he told me that he will call me after the cure is
done truly he did I was cured for 45mins spell what a wonderful man this
DR. if you need his cure just Email him now (
dr.alimospherbarhom@yahoomil.comc) thank you once again the great dr. for
what you have done for me, if you are out there, since passing through any
of this problems listed below: 1) If you want your ex back. (2) if you
always have bad dreams. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. (4) You
want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) You want to
be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8) If
you need financial assistance. (9) Herbal care (10) if you want to cure
your HIV (11) If you want to cure your cancer (12) if you want to cure any
disease just contact him now with this Email
or call +2348084847967 or whatsapp dr on +2347052302954 thanks dr
Hello Everybody,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.
1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
6. Purpose Of Loan………….
7. country…………………
8. phone…………………..
9. occupation………………
11.Monthly Income…………..
Email Kindly Contact:
I was cured of HIV with the used of natural herbs. My name is Marie and am from US. I love herbs so much. Most times, injection and drugs are just a waste of time. I was cured 8months ago, i suffered from HIV for 13yrs but with the help of DR. Baba Ogu herbal medicine, i was cured within few weeks of drinking the herbs he sent to me through courier delivery service. This same doctor also cured my Aunty from herpes, as soon as i heard she had herpes, i quickly refer her to Dr. Baba Ogu and she was cured too after drinking his herbs.I have referred more than 15 persons to Dr. Baba Ogu and they were all cured from their various illness. Have you taken herbs before?. You have spent so much money on drugs,injections,surgeries etc and yet you have no good result to show for it. Contact Dr. Baba Ogu now, he is a herbalist doctor, i assured you of a cure if you drink his natural herbs. Dr Baba Ogu have herbs that cures Hiv, Herpes, diabetics, asthma, hepatitis,HBP, STD, cancer, chronic, etc. He is also a spell caster, he can cast a spell to bring back your EX lover. Contact Dr. Baba Ogu through his Email address on: or WHATSAP/CALL him on +2348137291215. Share the good news to others once you are cured. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteGod bless Dr. sebi for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES/HIV since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES.HIV out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES/HIV i saw a comment about Dr. sebi, how he cured HERPES/HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HERPES/HIV,thank you Dr sebi ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
dr sebi cure the flowing virus, add him on whatsapp +2348158836673 my USA branch number +19147094469
1 cancer cure
2 diabetes cure
3 ringing ear
4 herpes cure
5 warts cure
6 HPV cure
7 Hiv
7 get your ex back
8 pregnancy herbal medicine
9 prostate enlargement
Though i haven't meet DR. OBOITE but i have being hearing and seeing his wonderful deeds on people's life.. This made me contacted him because i was also diagnosed of getting HIV CURE, When i contacted Him, without wasting time, he started his Miraculous work in my Life, I am happy and Glad to say that i am now cured after using his herbal Medicine.. You can also reach him on his email: or reach him on his cell phone or add him to WhatsApp +2348070666383
ReplyDeleteHe also special on curing
Hello everyone,my name is ALFREED SIANG i am here to say a big thank you to my doctor DR OLU who helped me enlarge my penis.i have never had a happy relationship in my life because of my inability to perform well due to my small penis, due to frustration,i went online in search of solution to ending my predicament and than i came across testimony on how DR OLU has helped them, so i contacted him and he promised to help me with penis enlargement,i doubted at first but i gave him a trial and he sent me the product which i used according to his prescription and in less than a week,i saw changes in my penis and it grow to the size i wanted and since then,i am now a happy man and no lady complains again about my penis.if you also need the services of my doctor,you can also contact him on his or his whataspp is +2348140654426
ReplyDeleteHello everyone,my name is ALFREED SIANG i am here to say a big thank you to my doctor DR OLU who helped me enlarge my penis.i have never had a happy relationship in my life because of my inability to perform well due to my small penis, due to frustration,i went online in search of solution to ending my predicament and than i came across testimony on how DR OLU has helped them, so i contacted him and he promised to help me with penis enlargement,i doubted at first but i gave him a trial and he sent me the product which i used according to his prescription and in less than a week,i saw changes in my penis and it grow to the size i wanted and since then,i am now a happy man and no lady complains again about my penis.if you also need the services of my doctor,you can also contact him on his or his whataspp is +2348140654426
ReplyDeleteI Never believed i was ever going to be HSV FREE again, DR.Ehiaguna has given me reasons to be happy, i was HSV positive for 2 years and all the means and medicine i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about DR.Ehiaguna on how he was able to cure someone from HSV 2, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that DR.Ehiaguna can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by DR.Ehiahuna , i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HSV NEGATIVE, friends you can reach DR.Ehiaguna on any treatment of any Disease cos i saw many testimony of different disease like, HEPATITIS,HIV AIDS,EPILEPSY, CANCER,CFS he is the one only one i can show you all up to, reach him on or whatsApp him now +2348073908953. quick contact him for help and you can just quickly drop your number on your first mail as i did for easily conversation
ReplyDeleteI am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been
ReplyDeletediagnosed tinnitus ringing ears with … I though about my Family, I know my Family will
face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one
day I was surfing the Internet I found Dr. Emmanuel contact number. I called him
and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my
health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Emmanuel herbal
medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Emmanuel and very happy with my hubby and
family. email him on OR contact his whatsapp number:
4. ALS